
Cédric Wasser

New publication by Cédric Wasser and Mengxi Zhang: Differential treatment and the winner's effort in contests with incomplete information

in Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 138, March 2023, Pages 90-111
Digital technologies, technological improvement rates, and innovations “Made in Switzerland” New publication by Matthias Niggli and Christian Rutzer

New publication by Matthias Niggli and Christian Rutzer: Digital technologies, technological improvement rates, and innovations “Made in Switzerland”

in: Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 159, Article 1, 2023
New publication by Andreas Freitag and Sarah Lein

New publication by Andreas Freitag and Sarah Lein: «Endogenous Product Adjustment and Exchange Rate Pass-Through»

in Journal of International Economics, Volume 140, January 2023, 103706
Prof. Dr. Andreas Müller

International Economics: Andreas Müller ist neuer Professor an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät

Der Universitätsrat hat Prof. Dr. Andreas Müller zum Professor für International Economics an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät ernannt. Bei der Stelle handelt es sich um eine Tenure-Track-Assistenzprofessur. Der Stellenantritt…
Martina Hirayama | Innoscape Talk #5

What are the implications of Switzerland's exclusion from European research programs? How is digitalization transforming research and development in Switzerland?

In our fifth Innoscape Talk, Martina Hirayama, the State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation, shares her views on these challenges for the Swiss innovation system. We also talk about the role of the government in boosting…
Klimawandel: Der globale Norden hat die Kontrolle verloren

Klimawandel: Der globale Norden hat die Kontrolle verloren | Aktueller Beitrag von Scott Taylor in «Die Volkswirtschaft»

Die Globalisierung hat die umweltverschmutzende Produktion in den Süden verlagert. Das rächt sich. Denn der Klimawandel ist global und unabhängig davon, in welchem Land CO2 ausgestossen wird.

Women leaving the playpen: The emancipating role of female suffrage

New publication by Michaela Slotwinski and Alois Stutzer in The Economic Journal 2022
WWZ Faculty Blog

WWZ Faculty Blog: Frankenaufwertung und das Schweizerische Nettoauslandsvermögen

Beitrag von Peter Kugler
22nd International Conference of Banking Supervisors

Fabian Schär as Opening Panellist at the 22nd International Conference of Banking Supervisors (ICBS)

The 22nd International Conference of Banking Supervisors (ICBS) is held virtually from 29 November to 1 December 2022. The overarching theme for this year's ICBS is financial technology and its implications for banks and banking…
Prof. Dr. Thomas F. Rutherford wird neuer Ehrendoktor der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät

Prof. Dr. Thomas F. Rutherford wird neuer Ehrendoktor der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät

Dies Academicus am 25. November 2022