CFA Research Challenge

Das CFA Institute organisiert jedes Jahr den "CFA Institute Research Challenge in Switzerland". Hierbei handelt es sich um einen Wettbewerb verschiedener Schweizer Universitätsteams, in welchem durch die jeweiligen Teams ein Finanzanalyse-Report zu erstellen ist. Es wird jedes Jahr eine andere Unternehmung ausgewäht, welche es zu beurteilen und bewerten gilt. 

Die Koordination von Teams an der Universität Basel läuft über die Professur Finanzmanagement (Prof. Dr. Pascal Gantenbein). Der CFA Research Challenge wird an der Universität Basel seit HS 2016 als Kolloquium angeboten. Ab Herbstsemester 2020 wird er auf Masterstufe unter der Bezeichnung "58972 CFA Research Challenge" im Curriculum geführt. Das Kolloquium ist aber auch für Bachelorstudenten zugänglich. 

Für die Basler Studierenden gibt es zu Semesterbeginn (erste zwei Semesterwochen, Datum tbd) einen Kick-off, in welchem die wesentlichen Aspekte erklärt und die Gruppen gebildet werden. Das weitere zeitliche Vorgehen richtet sich nach den allgemeinen Terminen, welche über das CFA Institute für alle partizipierenden Universitäten koordiniert werden. Daraus ergibt sich auch, dass sich der Challenge über zwei Semester (Beginn im Herbstsemester und Fortführung im anschliessenden Frühjahrssemester) erstreckt. Die Anrechnung der Kreditpunkte erfolgt dementsprechend im Frühjahrssemester. Interessierte Teams und Studierende dürfen sich gerne bei Pascal Gantenbein ( anmelden.

Hier finden Sie weitere Infos zum Challenge: Präsentation des CFA Institute und Video. Updates werden jeweils auf dieser Webseite publiziert.



Official Information of the CFA Institute Research Challenge 2023/2024 in Switzerlandand Liechtenstein:

We are delighted to announce that the season 2023/2024 subject company for the CFA Institute Research Challenge in Switzerland is Geberit. Globally operating Geberit is a European leader in the field of sanitary products. It is headquartered in Rapperswil-Jona, Canton of St. Gallen.


Kick-off meeting on 3 October 2023

The kick-off meeting is a mandatory element for students since it provides all the details for the challenge and includes live contact with the subject company and the sponsors. Faculty advisors, industry mentors, and graders are most welcome to attend. 

Date: 3 October 2023
Time: 10:30
Location: Geberit Informationszentrum (“GIZ”), Schachenstrasse 71, 8645 Jona



10:30–10:35: Welcome (Mirjana Wojtal, PhD, CEO of CFA Society Switzerland)
10:35–11:00: Introduction to the CFA Challenge (Mark Temnikov, CFA)
11:00–12:00: Geberit CFO Presentation (Tobias Knechtle), including Q&A
12:00–12:20 Sponsors' presentations: ZKB and Finanz&Wirtschaft
12:20–14:00 Apero riche


Company visit on 3 October 2023

There will be a company visit on the same day as the kick-off Meeting, but in the morning. Due to capacity constraints, only one delegate per team will be able to attend (please do not forget to mark the name of a student on the below form to be submitted by 29 September 2023).

Date: 3 October 2023
Time: 09:30–10:30
Location: Geberit International AG, Schachenstrasse 77, 8645 Jona (headquarter office and factory building)

We strongly encourage you to arrive at the company by public transport. The Geberit Headquarters are less than 1 km away from Jona train station, from where the bus lines 991 and 992 take you to the bus stop called “Jona, Geberit”. Alternatively, take train S6 to “Blumenau” train station or bus 992 to bus stop “Jona, Geberit” from the Rapperswil train station.


Sponsorship and media partnership

We are delighted to have Zürcher Kantonalbank as a Platinum Sponsor and  Finanz und Wirtschaft will continue supporting the Research Challenge as a Media Partner.


Dates and deadlines

All relevant dates and deadlines are on our CFA Institute Research Challenge website for Switzerland and Liechtenstein, including centrally organized seminars, a call with the company, and semifinals/finals. 


Upcoming events

We expect to add 1–2 more webinars.

  • 3 October 2023: Company visit for selected delegates (one student per team) and Kick-Off for all students, Geberit, Jona
  • 9 October 2023: Online teaching “Best practice in ESG analysis” with Katya Wisniewski, CFA
  • 11 October 2023: Industry fireside chat with Prof. Reto von Euw, Institute of Bulding Technology and Energy, HSLU
  • 25 October 2023: Financial modeling with KPMG
  • 15 November 2023: Conference Call with the company’s CFO 
  • 2 January 2024 midnight: report hand-in
  • 9 February 2024 midnight: presentation hand-in
  • Late January/early February (date TBC): Bootcamp (full day)
  • 14 February 2024: Swiss Semifinals in Zurich for semifinalists (afternoon)
  • 15 February 2024: Swiss Finals in Zurich for finalists (afternoon)


For further information, contact us directly at



Official Information of the CFA Institute Research Challenge 2021/2022 in Switzerland and Liechtenstein:

We are delighted to announce that the season 2021/2022 subject company for the CFA Institute Research Challenge in Switzerland and Liechtenstein will be SIG. SIG is a leading systems and solutions provider for aseptic packaging, headquartered in Neuhausen am Rheinfall, Canton of Schaffhausen.

Kick-Off Meeting on 7 October 2021

The kick-off meeting is a mandatory element for students since it provides all the details for the challenge and includes live contact with the subject company and also the sponsors. Faculty advisors, industry mentors, and graders are most welcome to attend. 

Due to the current situation, registration for an in-person kick-off meeting will be mandatory for everyone. The security concept will be shared with all participants closer to the date (attendees will be required to have Covid certificates)

To register to attend the kick-off meeting physically, please send an email to with names, email addresses, and the name of the university (the whole team can be mentioned in one email). The number of seats is limited, please register early. 

To follow the meeting remotely, please register: click here

Date: 7 October 2021
Time: 14:00 – 17:00
Location: · University of Zurich, RAA-G-0, Rämistrasse 59 8001 Zürich


  • Welcome from CFA Society Switzerland (Mirjana Wojtal, PhD)
  • Introduction to the CFA Challenge (Mirjana Wojtal, PhDand Olivier P. Müller, CFA)
  • Presentation SIG (Franz Herzog, CFO, Sig) 
  • Q&A (moderation: Florian Esterer, CFA) 
  • Wrap-Up & next steps (Florian Esterer, CFA)
  • Sponsor presentations: Credit Suisse, KMPG and BCG

Sponsorship and media partnership

We are delighted to have Credit Suisse as a founding Platinum Sponsor and to introduce KMPG and BCG as Gold Sponsors. Finanz und Wirtschaft will continue supporting the Research Challenge as a Media Partner.

Dates and Deadlines

All relevant dates and deadlines are on our CFA Institute Research Challenge website for Switzerland and Liechtenstein, including centrally organized seminars, a call with the company, and semifinals/finals. We are working on a company visit.

Upcoming events

  • 20 October 2021, 10:30 – 12:00, CET: Webinar for students, ESG with Sebastian Wiesel, ESG Data Scientist at J. Safra Sarasin
  • 21 October 2021, 14:00 – 15:00, CET: Webinar for students with Sven Benz, Brand and Packaging, Lidl
  • 5 November 2021, 10:00 – 11:00, CET: Webinar for students with Jane Muncke,Food Packaging Forum Foundation
  • 11 November 2021, afternoon: Conference call with a subject company
  • 4 January 2022, 12.00, CET: Deadline for submitting report
  • 7-8 February 2022: Presentation skills boot camp
  • 12 February 2022, 12.00, CET: Deadline for submitting presentations
  • 15 February 2022: Semi-final, University of Zurich
  • 16 February 2022: Finland Award Ceremony, University of Zurich


For further information, contact us directly at



CFA Research Institute Research Challenge 2020/2021 in Switzerland and Liechtenstein:

Updates for the upcoming competition, please click here.

Furthermore, the "CFA Institute Research Challenge team from US will be hosting town hall style informational sessions for students and faculty interested in learning more about the CFA Institute Research Challenge. Everyone is invited to join the director of the competition, Brian Stype. He will provide an overview of the program, discuss changes for this season, review resources available to participating students, and more. There will be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions. Join the conversation on: 

Wednesday, 9 September,  20:00 – 21:00 CEST: Registration

Thursday, 17 September, 04:00 – 05:00 CEST: Registration



Official Information of the CFA Institute about the 2019/2020 CFA Research Challenge:

The challenge is an annual competition between teams of students in preparing an investment case consisting of a detailed research report and a presentation of a listed Swiss company. For the up-coming competition, we have selected u-blox. u-blox (UBXN SW), a global provider of leading positioning and wireless communication technologies for the automotive, industrial, and consumer markets. Their solutions allow people, vehicles, and machines to determine their precise position and communicate wireless over cellular and short-range networks. With a broad portfolio of chips, modules, and a growing ecosystem of product supporting data services, u-blox is uniquely positioned to empower its customers to develop innovative solutions for the Internet of Things, quickly and cost-effectively. With headquarters in Thalwil, Switzerland, the company is globally present with offices in Europe, Asia, and the USA.  

Students will be supported by industry mentors and must present their results in front of a panel of senior investment professionals. The challenge provides students with a unique opportunity to gain first-hand experience in the investment world and to interact intensively with investment professionals and CFA charterholders. The Swiss champion will participate in the EMEA finals, to take place in the Dead Sea Area, Jordan on 1-2 April 2020 and possibly to the Global Finals in New York, USA on 20-21 April 2020. In addition, the winning Swiss teams will receive a cash prize of a total of CHF 3'000 as well as a certificate issued by the CFA Institute.

In setting up the challenge, the CFA Society Switzerland is trying to promote best practices in equity research and company analysis. CFA Society Switzerland is a member society of CFA Institute, the largest global association of investment professionals with more than 164'000 members and 151 member societies. CFA Institute awards the CFA Charter, the CIPM designation and runs the Investment Foundations Program. In Switzerland, the society has more than 3000 investment professionals as members. We are committed to leading the investment profession by setting the highest standards of ethics, education and professional excellence.

We are happy to share with you the following dates for the challenge:

  • 26 September 2019, University of Zurich – Kick-off meeting (mandatory). The kick-off will include a presentation by Roland Jud, CFO of u-blox as well as a presentation by CFA Society Switzerland on the rules & regulations of the challenge as well as the detailed deliverables
  • 26 November 2019 – Conference call with u-blox’s CFO (mandatory)
  • 6 January 2020 – Anticipated deadline for the finalist reports 
  • 18 February 2020 –  Anticipated deadline for the finalist presentations. Earlier deadlines will apply for competition within each university between the different teams.
  • 27 and 28 January 2020, Gumligen – Presentation Boot Camp for finalists
  • 20 February 2020, Aula of the University of Zurich – The Swiss Final presentations and award ceremony

Please be aware, as each year, only one team per professor / Univesity can attand the Swiss final competition.

Please note that pursuant to the rules of the Challenge, students are not allowed to directly contact the subject company outside the abovementioned events but may start to look at the company using publicly available information and start researching this industry as early as they wish.  

Below some marketing material for your perusal.