Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that won't work.
Thomas A. Edison
Publikationen in referierten Zeitschriften
Anton Bondarev and Frank C. Krysiak (2021), Economic development and the structure of cross-technologies interactions, European Economic Review 132. Link
Giulia Lechthaler-Felber and Frank C. Krysiak (2017), Quota Markets and Technological Change, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 4(4), pp. 1199-1228. Link
Frank C. Krysiak and Hannes Weigt (2015), The demand side in economic models of energy markets: The challenge of representing consumer behavior, Frontiers in Energy Research, 3 (24). Link
Matthias Flückiger and Markus Ludwig (2015), Economic Shocks in the Fisheries Sector and Maritime Piracy, Journal of Development Economics, Volume 114, pp. 107-125. Link
Anton Bondarev (2014), Endogenous specialization of heterogeneous innovative activities of firms under technological spillovers, Journal of Economic Dynamic and Contro 38, pp. 235-249. Link
Matthias Flückiger and Markus Ludwig (2013), Chinese Export Competition, Declining Exports and Adjustments at the Industry and Regional Level in Europe, Canadian Journal of Economics Link
Anton Bondarev (2012), The long run dynamics of heterogeneous product and process innovations for a multi product monopolist, Economics of Innovation and New technology 21(8), pp. 775-799. Link
Stefan Csordás and Markus Ludwig (2011), An empirical investigation of the determinants of democracy: Trade, aid and the neighbor effect, Economics Letters 110(3), pp. 235-237. Link
Stefan Csordás and Frank Krysiak (2011), Optimal containment and policy differentiation under unilateral climate policy, Canadian Journal of Economics 44(3), pp. 814-837. Link
Frank C. Krysiak (2011), Environmental Regulation, Technological Diversity, and the Dynamics of Technological Change, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 35(4), pp. 528-544. Link
Frank C. Krysiak and Iris M. Oberauner (2010), Environmental Policy à la carte: Letting Firms choose their Regulation, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 60(3), pp. 221-232. Link
Frank C. Krysiak and Patrick Schweitzer (2010), The Optimal Size of a Permit Market, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 60(2), pp. 133-143. Link
Stefan Csordás (2010), A Public Choice Approach to Strategic and Nonstrategic Environmental Policy, Review of International Economics 18(5), pp. 1001-1011. Link
Frank C. Krysiak (2009), Technological Diversity and Cost Uncertainty, BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 9(1) (Contributions). Link
Frank C. Krysiak (2009), Risk Management as a Tool for Sustainability, Journal of Business Ethics (Special Issue on Sustainable Development) 85 (3), pp. 483-492. Link
Frank C. Krysiak (2009), Sustainability and its Relation to Efficiency under Uncertainty, Economic Theory 41(2), pp. 297-315. Link
Frank C. Krysiak (2008), Prices vs. Quantities: The Effects on Technology Choice, Journal of Public Economics 92 (5-6), pp. 1275-1287. Link
Frank C. Krysiak (2008), Ex-post Efficient Permit Markets: A Detailed Analysis, Environmental and Resource Economics 39 (4), pp. 397-410. Link
Frank C. Krysiak (2006), Stochastic Intertemporal Duality: An Application to Investment under Uncertainty, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 30 (8), pp. 1363-1387. Link
Frank C. Krysiak and Daniela Krysiak (2006), Sustainability with Uncertain Future Preferences, Environmental & Resource Economics 33 (4), pp. 511-531. Link
Frank C. Krysiak (2006), Entropy, Limits to Growth, and the Prospects for Weak Sustainability, Ecological Economics 58 (1), pp. 182-191. Link
Frank C. Krysiak and Daniela Krysiak (2003), Production, Consumption, and General Equilibrium with Physical Constraints, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 46 (3), pp. 513-538. Link
Frank C. Krysiak and Daniela Krysiak (2002), Aggregation of Dynamic Systems and the Existence of a Regeneration Function, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 44 (3), pp. 517-539. Link