FV-54 Improving Negative Brand Image Through Specific Counter- Emotions

<link de fakultaet professuren brendl-miguel-marketing prof-dr-c-miguel-brendl external-link-new-window external link in new>Prof. Dr. Miguel Brendl | Dr. Dave Malpress | Dr. Ozgun Atasoy

Department of Marketing


The project investigates how to improve brand image when a brand suffers from negative emotional associations. It is a common problem that even the strongest brands are not immune to. It can arise as a result of fake news, unjustified rumors, product harm crises, ill-behavior of employees, of spokespeople, or of competitors, or from stereotypes toward the country of origin. Our previous research has developed theory as to which types of emotions are the most effective anti-dotes against negative emotional damage. In the current study we seek to strengthen our previous experimental evidence by distinguishing two types of explanations for why these positive counter-emotions are effective.