Awards Doctorate

The Faculty has been awarding the "Fakultätspreis" for the best dissertation of a year since 1999. From 2015 to 2019, it awarded the "Baume & Mercier Doktoratspreis" and from 2020 to 2023 the "Mezger Uhren und Juwelen Doktoratspreis" for the best doctorate. In 1999, 2009 and 2018, it also awarded the "Preis der Universität Basel (Amerbach-Preis)" for outstanding doctorates.


The "Fakultätspreis" is awarded to the best dissertation of each year. Since 2009, the Faculty Prize has been endowed with 5,000 Swiss francs by the Stiftung Basler Kantonalbank zur Förderung von Forschung und Unterricht der Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Universität Basel.

2024Dr. Santiago Ernesto Alvarez-Blaser Dr. Remo Nyffenegger
2023Dr. Julia Lisa Starzetz
2022Dr. Véra Zabrodina
2021Dr. Marius Faber
2020Dr. Dragan Filimonovic
2019Dr. Lukas Altermatt
2018Dr. Armando N. Meier
2017Dr. Michaela Slotwinski
2016Dr. Kristyna Ters
2015Dr. Markus Ludwig
2014Dr. Samuel Häfner
2013Dr. Daniela Bianca Schäfer
2012Dr. Dominique Cueni
2011Dr. Tikesh Ramtohul
2010Dr. Stefan Csordás
2009Dr. Daniel Niedermayer
2008Dr. Daniel Höchle
2007Dr. Christoph Sax
2006Dr. Thomas Hauser
2005lic. rer. pol. Yves Grüninger
lic. rer. pol. Pascal Pensa
2004Dr. Karsten Hadwich
Dr. Chistoph A. Schaltegger
2003Dr. Petra Gerlach Kristen
Dr. Florian Siems
2002Dr. Barbara Rudolf
2001Dr. Dominik Georgi
Dr. Eric Nagel
2000Dr. Annette Detken (geb. Conzelmann)
Dr. Patricia Funk
1999Dr. Christian Hilber

Mezger Uhren und Juwelen Doktoratspreis

Sponsored by Mezger Uhren und Juwelen AG Basel, the annual award honors the best doctorate.

2023Dr. Brian MattmannPrize: Ronde Solo
2022Dr. Ulrike UnterhoferPrizes: Cartier Tank Francaise steel
2021Dr. Maja ZarkovicPrize: IWC
2020Dr. Rahel BraunPrize: Omega
2023Dr. Brian MattmannPreis: Ronde Solo
2022Dr. Ulrike UnterhoferPreis: Cartier Tank Francaise Stahl
2021Dr. Maja ZarkovicPreis: IWC
2020Dr. Rahel BraunPreis: Omega

Baume & Mercier Doktoratspreis

Sponsored by Baume & Mercier, represented by Mezger AG Basel, the annual prize honors the best doctorate.

2019Dr. Mohammed Aït Lahcen
2018Dr. Joséphine Molleyres
2017Dr. Florian Madison
2016Dr. Christian Oesch
2015Dr. Ulrich Matter

Preis der Universität Basel (Amerbach-Preis)

The "Amerbach-Preis der Universität Basel" is awarded on a rotational basis by the faculties.
Regulations of the Amerbach Prizes

2018Dr. Michaela Slotwinski
2009Dr. Stefan Csordás
1999Dr. Markus Johann Kobler