37579 Business and Policy in the Global Economy
The global business policy environment is central to firms’ performance, as measured by shareholder value and in accordance with firms’ broader responsibilities to society. The focus of the course is on the economic policies and issues that shape firms’ global trade and investment strategies, as well as those that heighten foreign competition and promulgate risk. The approach is managerial: in contrast to a public policy perspective, the course takes the perspective of firms and managers – not of the government or the public. Students analyze and evaluate firms’ strategies for dealing with uncertain policy environments around the world. The primary objective is to learn the foundations of international eco-nomic policy that are necessary for managerial success. The second objective is to cultivate skills of critical think-ing and business decision making in a global setting. The course is highly interactive, consisting of lecture and case studies.
Prof. Stephen Weymouth
Associate Professor in International Political Economy
McDonough School of Business,
Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
Duration: 16 - 26 July 2018
Place: S16 (new location!!!), Faculty of Business and Economics, Peter Merian-Weg 6
Monday 16.07.2018: 09.00-11.30
Tuesday 17.07.2018: 09.00-11.30
Wednesday 18.07.2018: 09.00-11.30
Thursday 19.07.2018: 09.00-11.30
Monday 23.07.2018: 09.00-11.30
Tuesday 24.07.2018: 09.00-11.30
Wednesday 25.07.2018: 09.00-11.30
Thursday 26.07.2018: 09.00-11.30
see syllabus
Recommended Prerequisites
Introduction to Business (Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 10125)
Introduction to Political Economics (Einführung in die Politische Ökonomie, 23518)
Globalization and European Integration (Globalisierung und Europäische Integration, 34504)
Course Information
- Course directory
- Syllabus
- Reading Material: The articles are available on ADAM. The cases are available from the Harvard Business School Press website.
For further information please contact the <link de studium summer-school internal link in current>Summer School office.