Alarm in case of emergency

Answer the following questions:
- Where is the victim/the scene of the fire?
- Who is calling (name)?
- What has happened?
- When did it happen?
- How many people are affected?
- Additional dangers, hazardous materials?
- My number to call back?
Wait for further questions!
Our location:
University of Basel
Jacob Burckhardt House No. 6
Access via Nauenstrasse
Underground parking garage, 2nd basement (UG)
In German:
Universität Basel
Jacob Burckhardt Haus Nr. 6
Zufahrt via Nauenstrasse
Tiefgarage, 2. Untergeschoss (UG)

Ambulance 144
General emergency 112
Inform facility managers:
7 25 46 ( +41 61 207 25 46)
Procedure in the event of an accident:
- Secure the danger zone, protect yourself
- Call 144, 112
Absolutely necessary: Receive paramedics in the underground car park (2nd floor). Go yourself or ask someone else - First aid
- Stop bleeding, in case of unconsciousness lay on side
- if unconscious and not breathing normally, resuscitate:
- C: Cardiac massage (Circulation)
- A: Clear the airways (Airways)
- B: Ventilation (Breathing)
- D: Defibrillation
- Instruct paramedics
Medical room:
House 6 (WWZ), courtyard floor, next to seminar room S14

Fire department 118
Inform facility managers:
7 25 46 ( +41 61 207 25 46)
What to do in case of fire:
- Call 118 (fire department)
Where is the scene of the fire?
Who is calling (name)?
What has happened? - or activate the fire alarm
- Rescue endangered persons and yourself to a safe place
- Close all doors and windows
- Instruct the fire brigade
Our location:
University of Basel
Jacob Burckhardt House No. 6
Access via Nauenstrasse
In German:
Universität Basel
Jacob Burckhardt Haus Nr. 6
Zufahrt via Nauenstrasse

Procedure for evacuation:
- Warn people at risk and take them with you
- Leave the building via the stairs
- Go to the assembly point
Assembly point:
Parking Lonza Tower

Defibrillator and medical emergencies
Contact us

Sandra Viehmeier
Contact Security