Alarm in case of emergency


Ambulance  144
General emergency  112
Poisoning 145
Police  117
Fire department  118

Inform facility managers:
7 25 46 (+41 61 207 25 46)

Answer the following questions:

  • Where is the victim/the scene of the fire?
  • Who is calling (name)?
  • What has happened?
  • When did it happen?
  • How many people are affected?
  • Additional dangers, hazardous materials?
  • My number to call back?

Wait for further questions!

Our location:

University of Basel
Jacob Burckhardt House No. 6
Access via Nauenstrasse
Underground parking garage, 2nd basement (UG)

In German:

Universität Basel
Jacob Burckhardt Haus Nr. 6
Zufahrt via Nauenstrasse
Tiefgarage, 2. Untergeschoss (UG)



Ambulance 144
General emergency112

Inform facility managers:
7 25 46 (+41 61 207 25 46)

Procedure in the event of an accident:

  1. Secure the danger zone, protect yourself
  2. Call 144, 112
    Absolutely necessary: Receive paramedics in the underground car park (2nd floor). Go yourself or ask someone else
  3. First aid
    • Stop bleeding, in case of unconsciousness lay on side
    • if unconscious and not breathing normally, resuscitate:
      • C: Cardiac massage (Circulation)
      • A: Clear the airways (Airways)
      • B: Ventilation (Breathing)
      • D: Defibrillation
  4. Instruct paramedics

Medical room:

House 6 (WWZ), courtyard floor, next to seminar room S14



Fire department  118

Inform facility managers:
7 25 46 (+41 61 207 25 46)

What to do in case of fire:

  1. Call  118 (fire department)
    Where is the scene of the fire?
    Who is calling (name)?
    What has happened?
  2. or activate the fire alarm
  3. Rescue endangered persons and yourself to a safe place
  4. Close all doors and windows
  5. Instruct the fire brigade

Our location:

University of Basel
Jacob Burckhardt House No. 6
Access via Nauenstrasse

In German:

Universität Basel
Jacob Burckhardt Haus Nr. 6
Zufahrt via Nauenstrasse



Procedure for evacuation:

  1. Warn people at risk and take them with you
  2. Leave the building via the stairs
  3. Go to the assembly point

Assembly point:

Parking Lonza Tower

Lonza assembly point

Amok run

Principles of behavior in the event of a rampage in the building:

  • Raise the alarm - barricade.
  • Do not set off the fire alarm.
  • Only escape from the building if it is absolutely safe to do so.
  • People in corridors should go to the nearest room immediately.
  • Alert the police and administration or department management immediately.
  • Lock or barricade room doors if possible.
  • Do not stand near the door or windows, lie down on the floor in the blind spot to the door. If necessary, create splinter protection with tables.
  • Wait for the police and follow their instructions.
  • Do not try to talk to the shooter or try to stop him.

Bomb threat

If you are suddenly faced with a situation where there is a telephoned threat of a bomb attack on the building, it is important to remain calm and obtain as much information as possible from the caller:

  • Listen.
  • Do not interrupt.
  • Take notes immediately.
  • Gain as much information as possible.
  • Encourage the caller to continue by asking questions.
  • After ending the call, report it to the police immediately.
    Call 117 or 112.
  • In the event of concrete acute danger, evacuate the building immediately after consulting the police.
  • Wait for the police to arrive.
  • Inform your superiors.

Contact us


Sandra Viehmeier
Contact Security

+41 61 207 33 01