48070-01 Vorlesung: Organizational Behavior and Leadership

Organizational behavior (OB) studies three determinants of behavior in organizations: Individuals, groups, and organizations. Its goal is to understand and predict human behavior in organizations in order to make organizations work more effectively. Building on the assumption that behavior in organizations is inherently linked to leadership, this course aims to unite both concepts. Furthermore, as human behavior might easily be influenced by digital technologies, we will include some elements on current data use and digital transformation processes.

For each topic covered in class, there will be case studies (f. ex we will analyze Cambridge Analytica, Amazon, Bosch or Swisscom) and digital quizzes. Both allow you to check if the content of the course has been understood. Moreover, they help you to prepare for the exam. The exam consists of 4 open questions, whereas 3 have to be answered.

Relevant text books:

  • Robbins and Judge, Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 14th edition
  • Lazear and Gibbs, Personnel Economics in Practice, 3rd edition
  • Yukl and Gardner, Leadership in Organizations, 9th edition

Any other relevant literature will be mentioned in class or provided on ADAM. The slides will be available on ADAM as well. Find more information here.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write an e-mail to elisa.gerten@clutterunibas.ch.

[Translate to English:] Organizational Behavior and Leadership