We offer courses in Data Analytics, Computational Science, and Artificial Intelligence that focus on applications in Business, Economics, and Finance.
Fall semester 2024
General Audiences
Crash Course: Scientific Software
- individual slots for relevant scientific software; more details can be found here
- 0 KP | PC-Labor S18 (WWZ) and upon agreement
Multivariate Datenanalyse (Prof. Maringer)
- Thu 14:15-16:00
- 3 CP | Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 117 (lectures) & PC-Labor S18 (WWZ) (hands-on sessions)
Produktion und Logistik (Prof. Dornberger)
- Thu 16:15-18:00
- 3 CP | Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 102
Computing for Business and Economics (Prof. Maringer)
- Wed 9:15-11:45 | 8 sessions
- 3 CP | PC-Labor S18 (WWZ)
AI & the Firm (Prof. Roux, Prof. Maringer, and others)
- Mo 12:15-14:00
- 3 CP | Vesalianum Seiteneingang, Grosser Hörsaal (EO.16)

Courses during the current term
Links Study
- Course Directory
- Bachelor's thesis
- Master's thesis
- Dean of Studies' Office WWZ
Master's thesis

For general information with regard to the master's thesis see the website of the dean of studies' office (German only).
If you are interested in writing a master's thesis in the field of Computational Economics and Finance, please contact me via E-Mail.