Abschiedsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann

Finance Compact Plus
Nach vier Neuauflagen wurde das Werk aufgrund der rasanten Entwicklung der Therorie und Praxis der Finanzmärkte völlig neu ausgerichtet und konzipiert. Das Ziel bleibt: Finanzmarktheorie einfach und intuitiv zu erklären.
Neuerscheinung: "Finance Compact Plus" von Prof. Dr. Yvonne Seiler Zimmermann und Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann
«Too Big to Fail» und Marktwirtschaft: wie weiter nach der Pleite der Credit Suisse?
IWP " TOO BIG TO FAIL"Vortrag 31.05.2023 an der Universität Luzern
Top-Ökonomen Martin Hellwig und Heinz Zimmermann sprechen zur Schweizer Bankenkrise.
Nachdem der Schock über die Pleite der Credit Suisse langsam abebbt, werden überall die gleichen Fragen laut: Wie konnte es so weit kommen, und wie kann die nächste Bankenkrise verhindert werden? Diesen Fragen gingen der ehemalige Vorsitzende der deutschen Monopolkommission, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Martin Hellwig, und Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann, Ordinarius für Finanzmarkttheorie an der Universität Basel, an der 22. Reichmuth & Co Lecture an der Universität Luzern nach.
Für Martin Hellwig ist klar, dass die Gesetzgebung zum Umgang mit Bankenkrisen in der Schweiz unbrauchbar ist. Dies sehe man schon daran, dass die Credit Suisse die Eigenkapitalvorschriften der Schweizerischen Nationalbank (SNB) immer noch erfüllte, als es für einen Eingriff der SNB oder der Eidgenössischen Finanzmarktaufsicht (FINMA) bereits zu spät war. Der ehemalige Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts zur Erforschung von Gemeinschaftsgütern in Bonn schlug deswegen vor, die Einführung von höheren Eigenkapitalanforderungen zu erwägen, um die Risikofestigkeit der Banken zu verbessern.
In diesem Punkt stimmte Heinz Zimmermann seinem Vorredner grundsätzlich zu. Allerdings sollte man seiner Ansicht nach die Vorschriften an die Grösse der Bank anpassen, da sich die Anforderungen an eine kleine Sparkasse von jenen an eine Grossbank klar unterscheide. Für den Experten auf dem Gebiet der Finanzmarktregulierung stehen bei der Regulierung des Bankensektors aber Marktindikatoren im Vordergrund. So seien beispielsweise steigende Preise für Kreditausfallversicherungen ein verlässlicher Frühindikator für eine aufziehende Bankenkrise. Im Video erklärt Heinz Zimmermann ausserdem, weshalb die «neue» UBS für die Schweiz ein systemisches Risiko darstellt.
Dr. rerum politicarum (Dr. rer. pol. / PhD) Dr. Denis Bieri
Im Rahmen der Diplomfeier vom 21.04.2023 verlieh die Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakulät 5 Doktordiplome, darunter war auch Denis Bieri, Abteilung Finanzmarkttheorie.
Wir gratulieren von Herzen für diese tolle Leistung!
Dr. Denis Bieri
«Three Essays on Innovations in the Identifi c ation of Price Discovery Mechanisms for Commodities»
Betreuende: Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann | Prof. Dr. Christian Kleiber
Dr. Peter Oertmann wurde an der TU München zum Honorarprofessor ernannt
Wir freuen uns bekannt zu geben, dass Dr. Peter Oertmann an der TU München
zum Honorarprofessor -Lehrstuhl für Finanzmanagement und Kapitalmärkte- ernannt wurde.
Weitere Details finden Sie hier
Doctor rerum politicarum (Dr. rer. pol. / PhD)
30.04.2021: The Economics Faculty awarded 10 doctoral degrees, including Dr. Patrick Böhler, Dr. Jorma Juhani Schäublin und Dr. Alexander Seiler
Dr. Patrick Böhler "Essays on Dividend Policy and ETF Flows"
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann, Prof. Dr. Yvan Lengwiler
Dr. Jorma Juhani Schäublin "Essays on FinTech Lending, Pension Funds, Banks and Equity Markets"
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Yvan Lengwiler, Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann
Dr. Alexander Seiler "Essays on the Predictability of Global Equity Risk Premiums, Value Investing and Currency Hedging Costs"
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann, Prof. Dr. Tim Kroencke
We are pleased to congratulate all of you and wish you the best for your future!
Doctor rerum politicarum (Dr. rer. pol. / Ph.D.) Heiko Sorg
As part of the graduation ceremony of 23.10.2020, the Economics Faculty awarded 11 doctoral degrees,
among them Heiko Sorg / Department of Finance.
We are pleased to congratulate Dr. Heiko Sorg on passing his PhD exam and wish him all the best for the future.
Dr. Heiko Sorg: Essays in Financial Economics
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann, Prof. Dr. Yvan Lengwiler
Professorship for Dr. Kristyna Ters
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Kristyna Ters holds a professorship in credit risk at FNHW.
More information at: FNHW Prof. Dr. Kristyna Ters.
A great success - congratulations from all of us!
Team Finance / WWZ University of Basel
An alternative pricing model for options on wheat futures with time varying deterministic volatility*
An alternative pricing model for options on wheat futures with time varying deterministic volatility*
This working paper version June 19, 2019 Marco Haase and Jacqueline Henn Overbeck
Substantial differences in implied volatilities of wheat options traded in Chicago and Paris are observed, which have important valuation implications for wheat crop insurance contracts. This study aims to analyse and explain the observed differences along various dimensions. It discusses differences in historical volatilities, the market structure, and their consequences for a valuation model. These findings, combined with in-depth analysis of seasonality and scarcity-related factors are used to suggest a time varying deterministic volatility model for wheat futures. This volatility model is used to provide a pricing model for wheat options in a risk-neutral measure.
Swiss Derivative Awards 2019: The best structured products of Switzerland awarded.
Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann - CFA Society Switzerland
"Risikokultur in der beruflichen Vorsorge"
Financial Innovation and Risk Transfer *Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann
For centuries capital markets have played a key role in the allocation of risk. They improve the possibilities for individuals and institutions to diversify or transfer a portion of their risks more efficiently. Over the years, many innovations – in terms of contracts, processes or institutions – have contributed to improve this process by widening the range of risks covered by financial con- tracts or by strengthening the risk-bearing capacity of the economy, but not always successfully. Based on this analysis, the regulatory agenda of OTC markets as well as the emerging direct lending facilities of institutional investors are discussed.
As part of the diploma ceremony of 02.11.2018 at the Musical Theater Basel, the Faculty of Business and Economics awarded 139 bachelor's-degrees, 85 Master's-degrees und 5 doctoral-degrees, including Joséphine Molleyres / Departement of Finance.
The Baume & Mercier Doctor Award, donated of Baume & Mercier, represented of Mezger AG, Basel, received in the academic year 2017/2018 Dr. Joséphine Molleyres. She took her doctorate at the chair of Finance at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the Universität Basel, Departement of Finance. The titel of her doctoral thesis is "Credit Risk Dynamics in the Corporate and Sovereigen Credit Default Swaps Market and the Effects of Central Clearing".
From 29 June until 2 July 2016, the Annual Conference of the European Financial Management Association (EFMA) took place in Basel. The EFMA is one of the most renowned academic conferences in the field of finance. Professor Heinz Zimmermann and Dr. Matthias Huss were both Program Chairs of the event. At the EFMA 2017 in Athens, they were lauded for the exceptional commitment and support they provided as co-presidents of the conference [during] 2016—17.
<link fileadmin wwz redaktion finance unterlagen efma_hzi.pdf>Award Prof. Heinz Zimmermann
<link fileadmin wwz redaktion finance unterlagen efma_mh.pdf>Award Dr. Matthias Huss
As part of the diploma ceremony on 21 October 2016 in the Musical Theater, the Faculty of Business and Economics awarded 120 bachelor's degrees, 65 master's degrees and 12 doctoral degrees, including 2 doctors from the Department of Finance.
Doctor rerum politicarum (Dr. rer. pol. Ph.D.)
- Dr. Anja Carina Frommherz ‹‹On the Information Content of Index Derivatives. Three Essays on Empirical Market Microstructure››Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann, Prof. Dr. Erik Theissen und Prof. Dr. Stephen Figlewski
- Dr. Jonas Gusset ‹‹Is the Decision-making of Central Banks Affected by Stock Market Movements?››Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann und Prof. Dr. Axel Kind
From 29 June until 2 July 2016, the Annual Conference of the European Financial Management Association (EFMA) took place in Basel. The EFMA is one of the most renowned academic conferences in the field of finance. Professor Heinz Zimmermann and Dr. Matthias Huss were both Program Chairs of the event. At the EFMA 2017 in Athens, they were lauded for the exceptional commitment and support they provided as co-presidents of the conference [during] 2016—17.
Keynote Speech Prof. Sheridan Titman, University of Texas-Austin
Opening Ceremony & Reception
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Andrea Schenker-Wicki, Dr. Thomas Moser (SNB), Prof. John Doukas (EFMA), Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann, Dr. Matthias Huss
Special Session 1
Prof. Vihang Errunza, Prof. Warren Bailey, Prof. Ines Chaieb, Prof. Susan Thomas
Special Session 2
Dr. Shann Turnbull, Dr. Philippe Moutot, Dr. Paolo Tasca, Chris Giles, Dr. Michael Kumhof
Special Session 3
Prof. Heinz Zimmermann, Prof. Thomas Z. Lys, Prof. Reto Francioni, Prof. Hyun Song Shin (BIS), Prof. Axel Weber (UBS)
Special Session 4
Dr. Matthias Huss, Prof. Claudio Loderer, Prof. Ernst Baltensperger, Prof. Peter Kugler, Prof. Peter Bernholz, Prof. Jean-Pierre Danthine