You can find information and further details on the current course programme in the electronic course catalogue of the University of Basel. There you can also view the courses offered in previous semesters. Documents on the courses are provided on ADAM. Link
Spring Term 2025
28952-01 Bachelor's seminar: Bachelor's thesis in health economics | Bachelor | 12 CP
The seminar offers participants the opportunity to write a Bachelor's thesis in the field of health economics. Students are asked to work on a topic with the help of relevant data and publications, present it in the seminar and present and critically evaluate it in the thesis. Link
64428-01 Colloquium: Efficiency of Hospitals | Master | 3 CP
Hospitals in Switzerland are facing increasing competitive pressure. The measurement of performance and efficiency is becoming increasingly important. The event provides an insight into the theory and empirics of data envelopment analysis (DEA), which is suitable for measuring efficiency differences even with multiple outputs and inputs. Link
40210-01 Lecture: Health Insurance | Master | 3 CP
Asymmetric information challenges the functioning of health insurance and provides a justification of public intervention. In particular, we derive optimal insurance contracts in the presence of moral hazard, adverse selection, free riding and premium risk. We analyse Pareto-improving regulation and deal with risk-adjustment schemes. Link
27706-01 Lecture: Medical Decision Theory | Master | 3 CP
Doctors and patients decide on diagnostics and therapy under uncertainty. The lecture introduces the concept of the value of diagnostic information and applies it to diagnostic and therapeutic risk. Diagnosis with one and more tests will be discussed, as well as the role of medical parameters where the measurement result must be interpreted by the physician. Finally, the effects of different benefits and costs of diagnosis and therapies as well as risk aversion on physicians' decisions are analysed. Link
Autumn Term 2025
Information to follow

Master's thesis

For general information with regard to the master's thesis see the website of the dean of studies' office (German only).
If you are interested in writing a master's thesis in the field of Health Economics, please contact me via E-Mail.