
Risking Your Health to Help Others: The Effect of Pandemic Severity on Volunteering

Risking Your Health to Help Others: The Effect of Pandemic Severity on Volunteering

New publication by Dominik S. Meier, Amadeus Petrig and Georg von Schnurbein in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (2023)

WWZnewsflash: Interview zur Gründung und Eröffnungsveranstaltung des Basel Center for Health Economics (BCHE)

Das neue Basel Center for Health Economics (BCHE) an der Universität Basel will ein führendes Zentrum für Gesundheitsökonomie werden.
Kugler & Sheldon

A monthly leading indicator of Swiss GDP growth based on Okun’s law

New publication by Peter Kugler and George Sheldon in Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics volume 159, 2023
Kurt Schmidheiny und Sebastian Siegloch

On event studies and distributed-lags in two-way fixed effects models: Identification, equivalence, and generalization

New publication by Kurt Schmidheiny and Sebastian Siegloch in Journal of Applied Econometrics, 38(5), 695-713
Heinz Zimmermann, Marco Haase and Matthias Huss

Wheat price volatility regimes over 140 years: An analysis of daily price ranges

New publication by Heinz Zimmermann, Marco Haase and Matthias Huss in Journal of Commodity Markets Volume 31, 2023
Prof. Dr. Alois Stutzer

Neuer Dekan: Professor Alois Stutzer

Professor Alois Stutzer ist mit Beginn des HS 2023 bis Ende Juli 2025 Dekan der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät
12th Triennial Invitational Choice Symposium, 2023

Prof. Dr. Andreas U. Lanz to co-organize a workshop on influencer marketing at the 12th Triennial Invitational Choice Symposium

Together with PK Kannan (University of Maryland) and Barak Libai (Reichman University), Andreas Lanz co-organizes a workshop on influencer marketing with 12 participants at the upcoming 12th Triennial Invitational Choice Symposium, which…
Véra Zabrodina

Véra Zabrodina awarded with the Young Swiss Economist prize at this year’s Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics for her paper «Timing Moral Hazard under Deductibles in Health Insurance»

The Faculty of Business and Economics congratulates!
Dragan Filimonovic, Matthias Niggli and Christian Rutzer

How challenging is Switzerland’s non-association with Horizon Europe?

New publication by Dragan Filimonovic, Matthias Niggli, and Christian Rutzer | INNOSCAPE
«Zukunft der Schweizer Neutralität in einer polarisierten Welt»

«Zukunft der Schweizer Neutralität in einer polarisierten Welt»

Auftritt von zwei unserer Masterstudentinnen am Private Banking Day vom 22. Juni 2023.