MBA Finance | Executive Master in Finance (MiF) | Interview with Prof. Dr. Philip Joos

🧐 Prof. Dr. Philip Joos outlined the contents of his MBA Finance module "Reporting and Analysis" in a short interview 🎬. A sincere thank you to Professor Philip Joos for this insightful presentation. This module is unquestionably successful and broadens the understanding of Financial Reporting 👏 .

Financial Reporting and Analysis
The primary objective of this module is to advance your understanding of financial reporting. Corporate financial statements are a key source of information about the economic activities of a firm. This course is intended to enhance your ability to reconstruct economic events from financial statement disclosures and to aid in developing a coordinated set of concepts and principles to serve as a framework for analyzing a wide variety of financial reporting issues (fair values, off balance sheet items, revenue recognition and earnings management).

Universität Basel
Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Basel
TIAS School for Business and Society
MBA Finance | Executive Master in Finance (MiF)