«How to Make Academic Departments more Inclusive and Nurturing» Lunch Talk with Prof. Margaret Slade, University of British Columbia

Margaret is a renowned professor emeritus in the Vancouver School of Economics at the University of British Columbia in Canada. Her research is concerned with applied problems in Industrial Organization, especially those requiring the analysis of data. She has advised government agencies in numerous countries as well as private parties. Prior to becoming an economist, she worked as a mathematician for Shell Development, the US Geological Survey, and the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research of New Zealand. We are excited to benefit from her experience. In her talk, she will use theory, data, and real-life stories to make her point. There will be ample time for questions and discussion.
We are very pleased that Professor Margaret Slade will give a Lunch Talk followed by a forum of ample discussion on Thursday, November 25, 2021, 12:15 to 13:45
in Seminar Room S 15 at the faculty building.
Sandwiches, fruits, coffee, and water will be provided before the seminar, from 11:40 on.
Since you are our academic future, join in numerously and exchange your ideas to make universities more inclusive and nurturing. Registration at gsbe-wwz@clutterunibas.ch.