Executive Board of Graduate School Business and Economics

The GSBE executive board is responsible for strategic development, events, evaluation and quality management within the GSBE. The commission's tasks include strategic planning, evaluations of courses in the GSBE course program, participation in the evaluation of research proposals, representation of the GSBE in university committees, and representation in national and international contexts. The executive board decides on financial planning and the use of funds, taking into account the university's guidelines. (§ 9 Geschäftordnung GSBE)

Members Fall 2024 to end of Spring 2026

Kurt Schmidheiny

Prof. Kurt Schmidheiny
Dean of research (ex officio)

Juliana Roost

Dr. Juliana Roost
Coordinator GSBE (ex officio, advisory vote)


Andreas Müller

Prof. Andreas Müller
Elected representative group I


Catherine Roux

Prof. Catherine Roux
Elected representative group I

Beat Hintermann

Prof. Beat Hintermann
Elected representative group I

Heike Makas

Meike Kakas
Elected representative of group III
(advisory vote)

Elected representative of group V Studierende
(advisory vote)

