Spring Term
46933-01 Lecture: Public Economics (Master, 3 ECTS)
The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of the role of government policy in a market economy, and of the main challenges that arise in the context of the regulation of externalities and generating government revenue. Students become acquainted with a series of modeling approaches suited for different contexts, based on textbooks and selected papers published in the public economics literature.
26972-01 Seminar: Bachelorarbeit in Public and Environmental Economics (Bachelor, 12 ECTS)
In diesem Seminar schreiben die Studierenden eine Bachelorarbeit zu einem Thema in Public Economics. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist es, einen eigenen Beitrag zum wissenschaftlichen Diskurs zu leisten. Um ein theoretisches Fundament zu gewährleisten werden Grundkenntnisse in Public Economics oder in Umweltökonomie vorausgesetzt.
Autumn Term
28927-01 Lecture: Fundamentals of Public Economics (Bachelor, 6 ECTS)
Die Vorlesung befasst sich mit der Wechselwirkung zwischen Staat und Privatwirtschaft. Das Lernziel ist ein vertieftes Verständnis sowohl vom ökonomischen Handeln des Staats als auch von der Funktionsweise einer wettbewerbsorientierten Marktwirtschaft und der Marktfehler, die dabei auftreten. Die Studierenden lernen, relevanten Probleme zu erkennen und aus einer finanzwissenschaftlichen Sicht zu analysieren.
62652-01 Lecture: Economics of Public Policy (Master, 3 ECTS)
This introductory course sets the stage for students to understand the role of public policy in a market economy. The course includes and combines elements from normative and positive public economics and the constitutional approach to political economy.
47275-01 Seminar: Empirical Research in Public Economics (Master, 6 ECTS)
In this master seminar, students replicate and extend a paper that has been published in a leading economics journal in the field of public economics. The goal of the seminar is to expose students to economic research on an advanced level. This includes formulating a research question, carrying out an analysis, presenting the results, and summarizing the research in a seminar paper. The skills acquired in the seminar will be useful in the context of writing the master thesis, as well as in students’ subsequent careers.

Master's thesis
For general information with regard to the master's thesis see the website of the dean of studies' office (German only).
If you are interested in writing a master's thesis in the field of public and environmental economics, please contact me via E-Mail.