Research Group
International Economics
Our group conducts research in the fields of international macroeconomics and finance, with a specific focus on international borrowing of governments. Additionally, we examine the macroeconomic development and the political economy of open economies.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the policy response to both the Great Financial Recession and the Pandemic Recession has resulted in a spectacular increase of sovereign debt accumulation across numerous countries. Through a SNSF Project supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, we will develop quantitative models that study the macroeconomic consequences of high sovereign debt levels on the implementation of structural reforms, sovereign default risk in political environments, population ageing and public health sector spending, and income redistribution.
Team members collaborate with internationally renowned researchers and have published articles in leading international academic journals such as the American Economic Review, the Journal of the European Economic Association, the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, The Economic Journal, the Journal of International Economics, and the Review of Economic Dynamics.