RISE offers, in collaboration with the Faculty of Business and Economics, a crash course on "Clean Code, Documentation & Version Control".

Anthea Alberto and Maximilian Hindermann will show how data and preparation procedures can be documented efficiently to enable the best possible reuse according to FAIR principles.
The course will be offered on site at WWZ on 17.02.23 and is especially aimed at Python and R users from the Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE), but open to other interested researchers and students. Please note that participants are required to bring their own laptop.
0900 - 1030 Clean code
1030 - 1100 Break
1100 - 1230 Documentation and version control
1230 - 1300 Q&A
Please sign up via email to gsbe-wwz@clutterunibas.ch. This is a pilot project to test if the course context could be expanded for future semesters. We would like to encourage feedback from participants as well as anyone who may want to participate in the future.