Introduction to Research

GSBE course with Andrei Levchenko (University of Michigan), Nicola Pavoni (Bocconi University), and Nicolas Ziebarth (Cornell University) upcoming in June
We would like to draw your attention to the course «Introduction to Research» upcoming in June. The aim of the course is to help you develop your research projects and to get feedback on a research idea at an early stage. The course targets PhD students at all stages of their PhD and Postdocs who are currently working on a new idea or are in the early stage of a new project.
PhD Students from last year found the course very useful and constructive. See some testimonials from your colleagues Anne, Romina, Rahel, and Marius in a video here.
In addition, Constantin, who also attended the course, shares his memories below:
The course helped me improving my research project before, during and after class:
o Before class: Preparing my presentation for class “forced” me to think and rethink how to fit my key messages in a nutshell, so that everyone gets it easily.
o During class: Challenging my ideas with Andrei and my colleagues during discussion and presentation helped to further my thoughts.
o After class: The comprehensive and critical oral and written feedback by Andrei and others helped me to develop and refine my work further.
Besides that, it was a great pleasure attending the class with Andrei and the PhDs at the University of Basel. I strongly recommend this course to everyone at the beginning of their PhD.
If you have any questions, or would like to enroll, please contact us at