Preliminary online meeting | Topics in Microeconomics by Andreas Hefti

Dear PhD Students of Economics (and possibly related fields),
this brief text is intended to outline the class “Topics in Microeconomics” that I teach in the Spring Semester.
The main idea of the course is to familiarize you (more) with various key topics of microeconomic theory.
Compared to the second half of the last century, microeconomics has undergone a substantial specialization, and has increasingly become a “topics-based” discipline. Nevertheless, the foundational tools and approaches show a strong persistence.
The goal of this course therefore is to cover those foundational building blocks of microeconomics and, equipped with a general toolbox, venture forth towards the research frontier.
Regarding the latter, the course contains topics from game theory, contract theory, mechanism design, behavioral economic theory and choice theory.
It is a strong concern of mine to adjust the specific focus to the needs and interests of participating students – and cohorts tend to differ offer time in these aspects. Therefore, I would like to hold a brief preliminary online meeting on March 05, 16:15; Zoom Link on request.
The goal of this short meeting is to briefly discuss what topics you would like the applied part of the course to put its focus on.
All the best
Andreas Hefti
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hefti
Professor of Economics
School of Managment and Law, ZHAW
Economics Department, UZH