
We offer courses in all classical fields of econometrics as well as seminars on specialized or emerging topics. Currently, the following courses are offered:

Spring semester 2024


Mathematik 1
6KP | Dr. Zehrt

Einführung in die Ökonometrie
6KP | Prof. Kleiber


Microeconometrics and Statistical Learning
3KP | Prof. Kleiber

At the beginning of every semester, a brief introduction to R is offered as part of the block course “Arbeiten mit wissenschaftlicher Software” (Engl: "Working with Scientific Software").


References regarding seminars:


Master's thesis

Here are some guidelines for writing an MSc thesis at the Chair of Econometrics and Statistics (Prof. C. Kleiber).

Your own suggestions are also welcome. Sometimes topics arise as a result of internships, possibly because of access to data. Please ask at an early stage whether topics are suitable for an M.Sc. thesis.



Some materials on working with R are available from OLAT, in a subfolder of the undergraduate course "Introduction to Econometrics".

Instruction for data pre-processing (currently in German): Datenmanagement in R: Eine Einführung.

The accompanying data set “DataDJ”: DataDJ.rda, DataDJ.xls, DataDJ.csv, DataDJ.txt.