Spring terms


10184    Intermediate Macroeconomics | 6 KP | Sarah M. Lein

Den Syllabus und alle weiteren Unterlagen zur Vorlesung finden Sie auf ADAM.   


Fall terms


41627-01 Microeconomic Rigidities in Macroeconomics | 3 CP | Sarah M. Lein.

41628-01 Current Issues in Monetary Policy | 3 CP | Sarah M. Lein and Attilio Zanetti (SNB).


41622-01 Bachelorarbeit in angewandter Makroökonomie | 12 CP | Sarah M. Lein (Vergabe via Studiendekanat)


Master thesis supervision

If you are interested in writing your master thesis in the field of macroeconomics, please get in touch via email.


Courses during the current term

Master's thesis

Next Level Master

For general information with regard to the master's thesis see the website of the dean of studies' office (German only).

If you are interested in writing a master's thesis in the field of Macroeconomics, please contact me via E-Mail.