Rechnungslegung / Financial Accounting
Büro / Office 3.54
Dr. Nico Pascal Sütterle
LecturerPhD candidate
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät / WWZ
Fakultät Lehre / Studiengänge
WWZ / Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Peter Merian-Weg 6
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät / WWZ
PhD candidate
About me
Current position
I am a lecturer at the University of Basel and at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland.
Working Papers
- Information design in a supply-chain model with adverse selection
- Corporate investment, diversification and earnings precision
- Effects of separating audit and non-audit services on financial reporting quality
- PhD in Business and Economics (Financial Accounting), University of Basel
- M.Sc. in Business and Economics (Major in Finance, Controlling and Banking), University of Basel
- B.A. in Business and Economics (Major in Business), University of Basel
- Bachelorseminar: Bachelorarbeit in Rechnungslegung und Controlling
- Seminar: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten I: Grundlagen
- Seminar: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten II: Verfassen und Präsentieren einer Seminararbeit