Research Group
Public Economics
Our research group's aim is to change the world using science, with applications in the field of public and environmental economics. We engage in empirical work that is grounded in economic theory, using different methods such as econometrics, structural modeling and field experiments. The aim of the group's research is to increase our understanding of the most relevant market failures and how to shape policy in order to improve the outcome for individual stakeholders and society as a whole.
Ongoing research projects cover the areas of transport, manufacturing and coral reef-based fisheries.
Funded Projects
Shifting demand for public transport across time and modes: SNSF (2025-2029)
Coral bleaching in East Africa: Consequences and adaptation: SNSF (2024-2026)
E-Biking in Switzerland (EBIS): SFOE and cantons AG, BL, BS & ZH (2022-2024)
Pollution, environmental regulation and firm performance: SNSF (2022-2023)
The implications of the pandemic on energy use in transport: SFOE (2021-2022)
Mobility in Switzerland (MOBIS): SCCER / UVEK (2018-2021)
Master and bachelor theses
Every spring semester we offer a bachelor seminar, in which students have the opportunity to write a Bachelor thesis in the field of public and environmental economics. Students can work on a topic of their choice. A number of topics will be proposed by the public economics research group.
In the fall semester we offer a master seminar, which consists of the replication and extension of a paper published in the public and environmental economics literature. Students are closely supervised by a member of the public economics group.
Students are invited to write their master thesis in the area of public economics. They can propose their own ideas based on a proposal, or co-generate an idea with us.
Selected master theses