Research Events
During the time of the Summer School, lectures for the students are accompanied by a series of engaging seminars for the junior and senior members of the faculty as well as for the fellow colleagues from the Summer School. Every summer, current research is presented and discussed involving Ph.D. students and members of the faculty. The research events are productive meetings, strengthening the scientific network and exchanging new ideas.
Tuesday, 23 July 2024; 12:30 - 13:45
«Quid Pro Quo in Independent Campaign Support? Evidence from Congressional Roll Call Voting»
Research Event with Prof. Dr. Alois Stutzer and Dr. Patrick Balles
Tuesday, 20 August 2024; 12:15 - 13:30
«Spheres of Influence»
Research Event with Prof. Dr. Catherine Roux
Research Event with Dr. Dragan Filimonovic

Wednesday, 12 July 2023; 12:30 - 13:45, room: S15, Peter Merian-Weg 6
«Do regional scientific breakthroughs translate into lasting innovation advantage?»
Dr. Dragan Filimonovic (Center for International Economics and Business, WWZ, University of Basel) wil present ongoing research undertaken by the CIEB.
Research Event with Prof. Ryan Bubb

Tuesday, 25 July 2023; 16:30 - 17:45, room: S15
"Shareholder Rights and the Bargaining Structure in Control Transactions".
Abstract: We provide a general framework for analyzing shareholder rights in control transactions. Our focus is on the case of dispersed shareholders, and specifically their inability, as a collective, to make counter-offers. When managers have the right to initiate any sale and shareholders have only their statutory rights, namely the right to vote on the transaction and the right to a judicial appraisal, shareholders confront effectively take-it-or-leave-it offers and get no share of deal surplus. While this results in ex-post efficient operation of the market for corporate control, it distorts investment incentives, and we show that shifting deal surplus to target shareholders would be less ex-post efficient but nonetheless increase ex-ante efficiency. We thus analyze how the design of fiduciary duties might strengthen target shareholders' bargaining position. Competition between acquirers, in combination with a norm of non-interference of offers by target managers, increases shareholders' bargaining power but results in socially inefficient transactions. An anti-self-dealing norm can also also deliver greater deal surplus to shareholders but results in managerial entrenchment. Furthermore, given target shareholders' precarious bargaining position, institutional features can have counterintuitive consequences: restricting managers' or controlling shareholders' ability to pursue a transaction without shareholder approval à la MFW ends up hurting shareholders, whereas allowing a plaintiff attorney with misaligned incentives to file suit may help them.
Prof. Bubb teaches the Master course “Corporate Law and Economics” from 17 to 27 July 23 as part of the Summer School program 2023.
Research Event with Prof. John Wargo

Wednesday, 16 August 2023; 16:15 - 17:45, room: S15
Presentation "The Quiet Revolution in Plastics: Environmental & Health Management Challenges" followed by a discussion
Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled. We hope to host the research talk at a later date.
Host: Prof. Aya Kachi and Prof. Beat Hintermann
Abstract: Plastics have become essential to global economic well-being and growth. This talk will consider the chemical diversity of plastics as well as their economic, environmental, and health benefits. Plastics’ environmental and health challenges will then be posed, along with scientific uncertainties embedded in risk assessments pertaining to food, drinking water, and air pollution. Regulatory policy comparisons among the plastics, pesticides, and pharmaceutical sectors will be drawn, along with key differences in EU vs US strategies. To conclude, diverse management options will be suggested, along with their ethical implications.
Prof. Wargo teaches the Master course “The Rise of International Environmental Risks: Corporate and Government Strategies” from 7 to 17 August 23 as part of the Summer School program 2023.
Wednesday, 3 August 2022; 16:00 - 19:00, room: S15
Research Seminar on «Political Preferences and Public Policy»
Presentation of work in progress with lots of discussion.
- "Political Preferences on Digital Globalization" by Prof. Stephen Weymouth (Georgetown University)
- "Peer Effects on Lobbying Influence: The Role of Money, Strategies and Connections" by Prof. Aya Kachi (University of Basel)
- "Issue-Specific Voter Preferences: Measurement and Applications" by Dr. Patrick Balles (University of Basel), Prof. Ulrich Matter (University of St. Gallen) and Prof. Alois Stutzer (University of Basel)
Tuesday, 23 August 2022; 17:30 - 18:45, room: S13
Research Seminar with Prof. John Mayo (Georgetown University)
"Customer Switching, Firm Entry and Regulatory Policy: Evidence from the Electric Utility Industry", Host: Prof. Georg Nöldeke, Prof. Catherine Roux
After the event, all participants are cordially invited to an apéro at the restaurant l’esquina, Tellplatz 1, Basel. Please register no later than August 16, 2022 at the following link.
Research Events in 2019
17 July 2019; 12:45 - 13:45 (WWZ, S13)
"Racial Disparity in Leadership: Bias for Whites in Promotions of National Football League Coaches"
Research Event with Prof. Chris Rider (Ross School of Business, University of Michigan)
Host: Prof. Michael Beckmann
6 August 2019; 12.30 bis 13.45 (WWZ, S13)
"Communication and Market Sharing Agreements: An Experiment on the Exchange of Soft and Hard Information"
Research Event with Prof. Catherine Roux (University of Basel)
Host: Prof. Alois Stutzer
20 August 2019; 16:00-17:30
"Energy Efficiency and Dietary Choices"
Research Event with Prof. John Wargo (Yale University, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies)
Host: Prof. Beat Hintermann
Research Events in 2018
11 July 2018, 16:30 (S15, Peter Merian-Weg 6)
Research Event with Prof. Geoffrey Miller (New York University, School of Law)
Title: The Economics of Ancient Law, With Specific Reference to Contracts in the Book of Genesis"
Host: Prof. Alois Stutzer and Prof. Antonio Loprieno
18 July 2018, 12:30 (S15, Peter Merian-Weg 6)
Research Event with Prof. Billy Jack (Georgetown University, Faculty of Economics)
Title: High Hopes: Experimental Evidence on Saving and the Transition to High School in Kenya
Host: Prof. Alois Stutzer
21 August 2018, 17:30 (Auditorium, Peter Merian-Weg 6)
Research Event with Prof. Catherine Tinsley (Georgetown University, McDonough School of Business)
Title: Rethinking what you know about gender differences
Host: Prof. Georg Noeldeke
28 August 2018, 16:30 (S13, Peter Merian-Weg 6)
Research Event with Prof. Yakov Amihud (New York University, Stern School of Business)
Title:The Effect of Stock Liquidity on the Firm's Investment and Production
Host: Prof. Rolf Weder and Prof. Heinz Zimmermann
Research Events in 2017
11 July 2017; 16:15, seminar room S15
Research Event with Prof. Jeffrey Macher (Georgetown University)
“Finding Mr. Schumpeter: An Empirical Examination of Competition and Technology Adoption”
Host: Prof. Catherine Roux and Prof. Georg Nöldeke
19 July 2017, 12:15, seminar room S14
Research Event with Prof. Dennis Quinn (Georgetown University)
“The Political Origins of Exchange Rate Valuations”
Host: Prof. Aya Kachi
Get the Abstract and Paper
7 August 2017, 14:15, seminar room S14
Research Event with Prof. David Yermack (New York University)
“Ambiguity and Tradeoff Theory of Capital Structure”
Host: Prof. Tim Kröncke
Get the Abstract
22 August 2017, 15:00, seminar room S 13
Research Event with Prof. John Wargo (Yale University)
"There’s Something in the Air - A Debate on Air Quality, Health Risks and Energy Policy"
Host: Prof. Hannes Weigt
Research Events in 2016
11 July 2016; 12:30 - 13:30
Research Event with Prof. Sandeep Dahiya (Georgetown University)
“The Role of Private Equity Investments in Public Firms: International Evidence”.
Host: Prof. Pascal Gantenbein
8 August 2016, 12:30 – 13:30
Research Event with Prof. Michael O’Leary (Georgetown University)
Host: Prof. Michael Beckmann
10 August 2016, 12:00 – 13:00
Research Event with Prof. John Mayo (Georgetown University)
Host: Prof. Catherine Roux
23 August 2016, 13:30 - 15:00
Research Event with Prof. Yakov Amihud (New York University)
Host: Prof. Heinz Zimmermann