You can choose from various programs for your master's degree at the Faculty of Business and Economics. The consecutive Master of Science in "Business and Economics" offers a choice of six majors, which are oriented towards central professional fields. In parallel, the Studium Generalis offers the possibility of a flexible study without a major. With the Master of Science in "Business and Technology" , the Master of Science in "Economics and Public Policy", the Master of Science in "Finance and Money" and the Master of Science in "International & Monetary Economics", the faculty also offers four specialised master's programs, which are fully taught in English.

The interdisciplinary Master of Science in "Actuarial Studies", Master of Science in "European Global Studies" and Master of Science in "Sustainable Development", which are offered jointly with other faculties at the University of Basel, also offer a wide range of study options.

For more information on program structure and admission details, please see the sites for the varios master programs or the majors offered.

The master's programs at the Faculty of Business and Economics

Master auslaufend

Master of Science

Business and Economics (expiring regulation)

Consecutive program (taught in German)

Interdisciplinary master's programs



Dean of Studies' Office
University of Basel
Faculty of Business and Economics
Peter Merian-Weg 6, Office 38-40 (Ground Floor)
CH-4002 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 33 01

Website Dean of Studies' Office