Master's Seminar (Module Research Design | Preparation Master Thesis)
As part of your master's study, at least one seminar paper with presentation must be written in a master's seminar.
The coordinated registration for the master's seminar via the Dean of Studies' Office is intended to guarantee the most efficient distribution of students to the various master's seminars. This means first and foremost that the "right" students are assigned to the various seminars, i.e. you should have acquired the appropriate basic knowledge and a minimum of credit points. If you have achieved good grades in the foundation courses, this will also be taken into account and you will receive some preference in the allocation.
Registration for seminars take place before the start of the semester and usually begins on the same day that the course directory for the new semester is published.
For seminars in spring semester
Registration runs from early December to early January.
For seminars in fall semester
Registration runs from mid-May to mid-June each year.
You will find the link to the online registration during the registration period on this page.
Seminar participation will be allocated only after all examination results from the present semester have been received.
Spring semester 2025
Registration begins on 2 December 2024 and ends on 6 January 2025! After that date, no more registrations can be accepted.
Seminar participation will be allocated during the first two weeks of February - after all examination results from the previous semester have been received. You will be notified by e-mail of your allocated seminar. You must confirm or cancel this by e-mail. Only then is your seminar allocation final.
After evaluating all registrations, the seminar seats are allocated according to the following criteria and priorities, which have been determined by the lecturers in advance:
Relevant degree program or specialization module
The seminar is assigned to your degree program or specialization module or is a compulsory course.
Number of credit points already earned
- The more credit points you have already acquired, the higher the probability (ceteris paribus) of obtaining a seminar seat.
- Core subjects or Fundamentals & Core Courses:
You should have already successfully completed some courses from the modules Fundamentals and Core Courses.
The better your grades in the prerequisite courses, the more likely you will be accepted into the desired seminar.
Alternative seminar preferences:
By indicating more than one desired seminar (ideally: 3 priorities), you may increase your chances of getting a seminar seat.
Further criteria:
For some seminars, the following criteria are also taken into account:
- If you have already had discussions with the lecturer and have shown an interest in taking part in the seminar, you can indicate this in the registration under remarks.
The Dean of Studie's Office will contact the lecturer before the definitive assignment. - Further, individual requirements according to the information in the course catalogue.
You can not register for the master's seminars via Online-Services. The registration will be excecuted by the Dean of Studies' Office - once the seminar allocation is completed and the enrollment period expired.
- Online registration (available from 02.12.24 until 06.01.25)
- Information Sheet on Plagiarism and Fraud (PDF, 942.40 KB)
- Training offered by the University Library
- Guided Writing – Online Writing Consultation: German and English (offered by the Language Center)
- Study Guide
- Declaration of Authorship (PDF, 253.36 KB)

Jenny Klaus, lic.rer.pol.
Studiendekanat Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät Universität Basel
Peter Merian-Weg 6
4002 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 33 65
Seminar offered in the fall semester 2024
In the medium-term curricula you will find a yearly overview of the seminars usually offered. However, this listing may change to some extent in the upcoming semester due to research semesters, etc.
The following seminars will be offered in the fall semester 2024:
Supervised by: Dr. Jacqueline Henn and Prof. Dr. Paolo Vanini
Participation requirements:
Completed Bachelor's degree. In addition, the following seminar-specific prioritization applies:
- A minimum grade of 4.5 in the lecture 12036 Econometrics and.
- Number of credits already earned in total.
For some seminar topics, knowledge of Matlab, Stata or R is required or you must acquire it.
The general assignment criteria for the master seminars can be found here...
Prof. Jeffrey Macher and Prof. Rolf Weder
Students have to be enrolled in a master program at the University of Basel. Students in a disciplinary program offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics or an interdisciplinary master program jointly offered by this faculty with other faculties are particularly predestined for this seminar. PhDs and Postdocs will be invited sur dossier if slots are available.
Enrollment is necessary in the autumn semester (writing the paper) and the spring semester (presentation and visits to the institutions). Past enrollment in a course at the Summer School of Law, Business and Economic Policy at the WW-Faculty of the University of Basel is an asset, but not mandatory to be accepted to the seminar.
This is an annual course for which a special application process applies.
For more information see here.
Supervisor: Prof. Kurt Schmidheiny and Prof. Conny Wunsch
Admission requirements:
The following courses must have been passed:
- 12036 - Econometrics
- 18545 - Advanced Mathematics for Economics
- 58989 - Computing for Business and Economics
Prior attendence of the following courses is recommended:
- 41957 - Advanced Econometrics | 1st semester
- 58920 - Causal Inference for Policy Evaluation
- 16036 - Microeconometrics and Statistical Learning
For the general terms of admittance please see here...
Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Yvan Lengwiler and Prof. Dr. Georg Nöldeke
Admission requirements:
Students with a major in Economics are admitted without any prerequisites.
All other students should have passed at least one of the following courses:
- 65937 Advanced Microeconomics
- 65938 Finance
- 65943 Advanced Macroeconomics
Priority will be given to students according to how many of these courses they have taken.
In fall semester Prof. Lein will not supervise any seminar papers.
In fall semester Prof. Lein will not supervise any seminar papers.
Prof. Dr. Frank Christian Krysiak
Admission requirements:
For students in the Master program Business and Economics or Economics and Public Policy:
At least one of the following courses has been taken (or is taken in parallel):
- 14255 Environmental Economics (Krysiak)
- 29002 Electricity Markets (Weigt)
- 62655 Energy Economics (Weigt)
- 17691 International Trade, Resources and the Environment (Taylor)
MSD students without a bachelor degree in economics/business and without focus area in economics are supposed to have completed the "Complementary Knowledge in Economics" module (MSD 2017). MSD students with focus area in economics are required to have taken at least one of the courses mentioned above for students in the Master program Business and Economics.
The general prerequisites and allocation process can be found here...
Supervisor: Prof. Andreas Lanz
Admission requirements:
Bachelor's degree in Business and Economics.
The seminar-specific participation requirements and assignment criteria for this seminar are:
- Colloquium 70722 Marketing Strategy
This seminar is for students who have already attended or are about to attend the Marketing Strategy colloquium (70722). In line with the requirements of the colloquium, students in the major "Marketing and Strategic Management" of the Master of Business and Economics as well as students of the Master in Business and Technology will be admitted with high priority.
For the general prerequisites and allocation process, please see here.
Prof. Dr. Aleksander Berentsen
Admission requirements:
We only accept applications from students who have already acquired a minimum of 30 CPs. Furthermore, you should be aware that all papers have to be written in English. It is recommended that the course 10645 Monetary Theory has been taken.
The general prerequisites and allocation process can be found here...
Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Karsten Hadwich
Participation requirements:
Completed Bachelor's degree. Decisive for the seminar assignment:
The following courses must have been successfully attended:
- 10653 Product Management
- 10663 Strategic Service Management
In addition, participation in the kick-off event and the full-day presentation event is mandatory.
The general assignment criteria for the master seminars can be found here...
Seminar offer in spring semester 2025
In the medium-term curricula you will find a yearly overview of the seminars usually offered. However, this listing may change to some extent in the upcoming semester due to research semesters, etc.
The following seminars will be offered in the spring semester 2025:
Supervisor: Prof. Miguel Brendl
For admission requirements please refer to the course directory. For the general allocation criteria for the Master's seminars please see here...
Supervisor: Prof. Fabian Schär
For admission requirements please refer to the course directory. For the general allocation criteria for the Master's seminars please see here...
Prof. Jeffrey Macher and Prof. Rolf Weder
This is an annual course for which a special application process applies. For more information see here.
Supervisor: Prof. Alois Stutzer and Prof. Reiner Eichenberger (University of Fribourg)
For admission requirements please refer to the course directory. For the general allocation criteria for the Master's seminars please see here...
Supervisor: Prof. Sarah Lein, Prof. Yvan Lengwiler and Prof. Georg Nöldeke
For admission requirements please refer to the course directory. For the general allocation criteria for the Master's seminars please see here...
Supervisor: Prof. Ulf Schiller
For admission requirements please refer to the course directory. For the general allocation criteria for the Master's seminars please see here...
Supervisor: Prof. Sabine Böckem
For admission requirements please refer to the course directory. For the general allocation criteria for the Master's seminars please see here...
Supervised by: Prof. Angelo Ranaldo
For admission requirements please refer to the course directory. For the general allocation criteria for the Master's seminars please see here...
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Manfred Bruhn and Dr. Julia Lisa Starzetz
For admission requirements please refer to the course directory. For the general allocation criteria for the Master's seminars please see here...
Supervisor: Dr. Jacqueline Henn / Prof. Dr. Paolo Vanini
For admission requirements please refer to the course directory. For the general allocation criteria for the Master's seminars please see here...