Prof. Dr. Georg Nöldeke elected as Fellow of the Game Theory Society and as Economic Theory Fellow of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory

More information on these new affiliations:
The Game Theory Society
An international society for the advancement of game theory and its applications, the Game Theory Society, began operations on January 1, 1999. The Game Theory Society promotes the investigation, teaching, and application of game theory. The Fellows of the society are a group of people honored for their contributions to game theory and service to the Society, and are a source of advice for the Steering Committee.
The Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory
The purpose of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory is to advance knowledge in theoretical economics and to facilitate communication among researchers in economics, mathematics, game theory, or any other field which is potentially useful to economic theory. Economic Theory Fellows are selected for their scientific excellence, originality, and leadership, high ethical standards, and scholarly and creative achievement.
Personal Website of Prof. Georg Nöldeke