Public Event on July 20, 2017

"From the Outsourcing of Production to the Dislocation of R&D?"
Faculty of Business and Economics, Peter Merian-Weg 6, Basel
Speaker: Prof. J. Bradford Jensen
Panel: Dr. Allison Haitz and Dr. Stephan Mumenthaler and Prof. Dr. Rolf Weder
A quick glance at Swiss trade statistics reveals that chemical and pharmaceutical products, which account for approximately 40% of total exports, are Switzerland’s “export hit”. Basel is Switzerland’s main “factory” for these products. One of the central implications of Ricardian trade theory is that comparative advantages determine the export and import structure of a country. But how does investment in Research and Development (R&D) fit into this picture? And, is it possible for a geographic location to retain its strength in R&D in the long run with-out the existence of local production facilities?
Professor J. Bradford Jensen (Georgetown University) will give a short presentation of his research findings on the R&D activities of U.S. multinationals in the manufacturing and service sector. Dr. Allison Haitz and Dr. Stephan Mumenthaler as representatives of firms and the government will then discuss this important topic. Host: Prof. Rolf Weder (University of Basel).