Lecture and Examination Rooms
The respective lectures and examination rooms for individual courses are published in the university's electronic course directory. You can find the examination rooms for individual courses under the heading "Assessment", the lecture rooms under "Dates and Rooms".
Rooms that are not provided with a link can best be found by using the addresses listed below.
From June 2022 onwards, a new examination room will be available at the University of Basel. The sports hall of the Department of Sport, Exercise and Health (DSBG) is located at Grosse Allee 6, 4052 Basel (between the St. Jakobsarena ice rink and the St. Jakobshalle). The location will be used as an examination room during the first weeks of the lecture-free period for major exams of all faculties of the university. You will find the entrance of the DSBG at Grosse Allee 6 (opposite to the entrance of the public swimming pool St. Jakob). The examination hall is located in the basement of the building. Please use the main entrance and take the spiral staircase. The way to the examination room will be signposted.
When entering the building, please remain quiet in the building as offices and treatmant rooms are on the upper floors.
If you are writing an exam in the DSBG hall during the spring 2022 semester, you will still receive additional information via email regarding access and general rules during the exams. You will not be emailed the exam dates for courses, offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics. You will find the examination dates in the electronic course directory. The examination rooms for each exam will be entered there by 1 June 2022 at the latest.
The DSBG locationAddresses
- Alte Universität
Rheinsprung 9 | 4051 Basel - Aula at the Kollegienhaus
Petersplatz 1 | 4051 Basel | Haupteingang: Petersplatz, weitere Eingänge: Petersgraben und Spalengraben - Anatomie
Grosser Hörsaal | Pestalozzistrasse 20 | 4056 Basel - Bernoullianum
Grosser Hörsaal | Bernoullistrasse 30 | 4056 Basel - DSBG Neubau (Sporthalle)
Departement für Sport, Bewegung und Gesundheit | Grosse Allee 6 | 4052 Basel - Lecture hall (HS) 001 to 120 at the Kollegienhaus
Petersplatz 1 | 4051 Basel | Main entrance: Petersplatz, other entrances: Petersgraben and Spalengraben - Institut für organische Chemie
Grosser Hörsaal | St. Johanns-Ring 19 | 4056 Basel - Pharmazentrum
Hörsaal 1 (Grosser Hörsaal) | Klingelbergstrasse 50 | 4056 Basel - Physik, Grosser Hörsaal
St. Johanns-Ring 25 | 4056 Basel - Seminarraum (Schnitz) S1 / S2
Rosshof | Petersgraben 51 | 4051 Basel | Eingang: Hinterhof - Vesalianum, Grosser Hörsaal
- Vesalgasse 1 (behind the Kollegienhaus, access also via Petersgraben)
- WWZ Auditorium
Peter Merian-Weg 6 | ground floor | 4001 Basel - WWZ Seminarräume (S 13 bis S 16)
Peter Merian-Weg 6 | yard floor | 4001 Basel - Zentrum für Lehre und Forschung | ZLF
Department of Research USB
Hebelstrasse 20 | 4056 Basel