Recognition of Credits and Grades
In order to be able to verify the recognition of external study achievements, please submit the following documents:
Course description / outline / syllabus with specific information on the content of the course, including the literature used.
This information is to be submitted as PDF files. Links to Internet sites may be considered as supplemental information, if necessary.
Enter the course work to be credited on this form and send it to the Dean of Studies' Office.If you have already completed the course work: Proof of achievement (data transcript, statement of achievement account, or transcript of records). The original of this must be submitted to the Dean of Studies' Office.
If there is the possibility of electronic online verification, you can also send the proof of achievement by e-mail.
Details of credits and grading scale used.
Please also have a look at the requirements for the possible recognition of credit and grades in the Study Guides .
Credit Transfer or Exemption of Credit Points?
The recognition of academic achievements can take the form of a Credit Transfer or a Exemption of Credit Points:
Credit Transfer
The course work is credited with grade and credit points. If possible, foreign grades are transferred to the Swiss grading system and are thus also taken into account for the calculation of the final grade.
Exemption of Credit Points
The course credit has either already been used for another degree or has not been acquired according to ECTS (cf. §5 of the Student Regulations of the University of Basel).
This means that this achievement is recognized for your degree and you do not have to take it again. Your transcript will list the exemption, including information on the origin of the achievement (degree program and university, if applicable) and the number of credits waived. However, there will be no evaluation of these achievements. Thus, the original evaluation of the waived course work also has no influence on your final grade.

Esther Ziegler, Diplom-Kauffrau
Studiendekanat Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät Universität Basel
Peter Merian-Weg 6
CH-4002 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 33 66