Registration for examinations
Registration for examinations in courses offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics is usually done by enrolling for the individual course in Online Services. The course registration deadline is set and published by the Student Administration Office of the University of Basel. During the course registration period, it is possible to withdraw from a course without reason or to attend and enrol in a new course.
In the case of seminars and block courses, the registration and withdrawal deadline may differ from the official registration deadline. In these cases, attention is drawn to this in the electronic course directory.
The restrictions regarding registration and deregistration must be maintained for organisational reasons (e.g. times and number of available examination rooms or organisation of supervisors).
When attending courses offered by other faculties or organizational unites, please note that, depending on the faculty offering the course, a separate registration for examination may be required - in addition to the course enrollment. More detailed information is available either in the electronic course directory (section: "Assessment registration/deregistration" and "Assessment details") and/or from the organizational unit offering the course.
Deregistration of examinations
Within two weeks beyond the end of the official registration period, the Faculty of Business and Economics offers the possibility to withdraw from individual examinations without given reasons.
Deregistration can only be made using the form provided for this purpose and must be sent to the Dean of Studies's Office by e-mail by Friday of the sixth week of lectures at the latest. After this date, it is no longer possible to withdraw.
This applies to all courses offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics and registered via Online Services, unless special registration conditions apply. The regulation does not apply to Bachelor's and Master's seminars, to courses with restricted attendance and/or to block courses that end before the end of the enrolment period and/or to courses that only take place in the first half of the semester as well as to extracurricular courses.
Please note that in the case of courses with limited participation, it is possible to withdraw from the course up to a maximum of 1 week after receipt of the confirmation of participation. Thereafter, a no-show will result in a grade of NE.
Please be aware that we can only offer the subsequent withdrawal period as long as the number of withdrawals is within reasonable limits. The de-registrations must all be entered manually by the Dean of Students Office, which is very time consuming. So please use this extended deregistration period only in important cases.

Dean of Studies' Office
University of Basel
Faculty of Business and Economics
Peter Merian-Weg 6, Office 38-40 (Gr. Floor)
CH-4002 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 33 01