Absence on the examination date

Unexcused absences from examinations will be assessed as "no show" (NE) and listed in the academic record. This also applies to make-up examinations. A "no show" counts as one examination attempt.

Students who miss more than five examinations during their studies—whether due to an "NE" (unexcused absence) or an excused absence followed by a make-up examination—permanently lose the right to participate in further make-up examinations. This regulation applies for the entire duration of the degree program. Students who are absent from a make-up examination without prior notice also forfeit their right to any further make-up examinations.

Students with a long-term/chronic illness or other health restrictions are exempt from this rule. In these cases, we expect you to bring this to the attention of the Dean of Studies` Office at an early stage.

The most common examples of students being excluded from make-up examinations:

1) Students who miss more than five examinations during their studies without an excuse and have received a NE for each of them can no longer be admitted to a make-up examination.
2) Students who have submitted five excuses during their studies (e.g. sick leave, examination overlaps, etc.) and have taken five make-up examinations may not apply for any further make-up examinations. Students with a long-term/chronic illness or other health restrictions are exempt from this rule. In these cases, we expect you to inform the Office of the Dean of Studies in good time.
3) Students who add up the number of their excused make-up examinations and NE and come to five or more events can no longer be admitted to a make-up examination.
4) Students who have missed a make-up examination without excuse can no longer be admitted to a make-up examination during their current studies.

Sick leave

If you are unable to attend an examination due to illness, you must submit a medical certificate to the Dean of Studies' Office together with the completed form. Please send both to krankmeldung-wwz@clutterunibas.ch within 14 days after the examination. Otherwise, the absence is considered unexcused and will be graded as "no show" (NE).

If an illness already exists before the examination and the examination is nevertheless taken, the result will be evaluated even if a medical certificate is submitted subsequently.

Under certain conditions it is possible to take a make-up examination. Please note on the form whether you wish to take a make-up examination.

The five absences rule also applies in the case of illness. If you are absent from a make-up examination without prior notice, you will also forfeit the right to take further make-up examinations. These regulations apply to all our study programs.

In the case of a chronic or long-term illness, the upper limit for excused absences does not apply. However, we do expect you to inform the Dean of Studies' Office at an early stage, i.e. at the beginning of your studies or immediately after diagnosis. This is the only way the Dean of Studies' Office can assist you in planning your studies and examinations and the upper limit for unexcused absences can be lifted.

At a glance: Sick leave

  • Medical certificate and form must be submitted by e-mail within 14 days of the examination
  • No right to a make-up examination in case of more than five absences



Dean of Studies' Office
University of Basel
Faculty of Business and Economics
Peter Merian-Weg 6, Office 38-40 (Gr. Floor)
CH-4002 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 33 01

Website Dean of Studies' Office