The program reflects the future challenges for business, society and policy. It takes into account the Basel environment with world-class multinational companies and optimally uses our international network of researchers and teachers to the benefit of our students.

Courses are particularly designed for the students enrolled at the University of Basel, but are also open for motivated and good students from other universities all over the world – particularly, however, from other universities in Switzerland and the Basel metropolitan area (EUCOR-program).

All courses are taught in English by faculty members of U.S. universities at the University of Basel.  All courses are part of either the Bachelor Arts (BA) in Business and Economics or the Master of Science (MSc) in Business and Economics offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics. A number of courses are also part of additional, specialized Master programs.

Students enrolled in the master’s program have the opportunity to attend the Master Seminar in Business, Law and Economic Policy (including a trip to Washington DC and New York City) where they will present their seminar papers to an international audience. The program also facilitates public and research events which will be held in Basel.


Esther Ziegler
University of Basel, Faculty of Business and Economics, Summer School Office
Peter Merian Weg 6, Office: EG.39
4002 Basel Switzerland

Tel: +41 61 207 33 42

Rahel Fritz

Rahel Fritz
University of Basel, Faculty of Business and Economics, Summer School Office
Peter Merian Weg 6, Office: EG.38
4002 Basel Switzerland

Tel: +41 61 207 65 21

Aleksandra Gubler

Aleksandra Gubler
University of Basel, Faculty of Business and Economics, Summer School Office
Peter Merian Weg 6, EG.40
4002 Basel Switzerland

Phone:   +41 61 207 68 67

Prof. Amihud

Prof. Yakov Amihud
Professor of Entrepreneurial Finance
Stern School of Business,
New York University, New York

Prof. Ryan Bubb

Prof. Ryan Bubb
Professor of Law
School of Law, New York University
New York City

Sandeep Dahyia

Prof. Sandeep Dahiya
Professor of Entrepreneurship
McDonough School of Business,
Georgetown University, Washington D.C.


Prof. J. Bradford Jensen
Professor of International Business and Economics
McDonough School of Business,
Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

Prof. Macher

Prof. Jeffrey Macher
Professor of Strategy, Economics and Public Policy
McDonough School of Business,
Georgetown University,Washington D.C.

 John Mayo

Prof. John Mayo
Professor of Economics, Business and Public Policy
McDonough School of Business,
Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

Prof. Sharkey

Catherine Sharkey
Professor of Law
School of Law, New York University

Prof. Tinsley

Prof. Catherine Tinsely
Professor of Management
McDonough School of Business,
Georgetown University, Washington D.C.


Prof. John Wargo
Professor of Environmental Health and Political Science
School of Forestry & Environmental Studies,
Yale University, New Heaven


Prof. Stephen Weymouth
Associate Professor in International Political Economy
McDonough School of Business,
Georgetown University, Washington D.C.


Prof. David Yermack
Professor of Finance and Business Transformation
Stern School of Business,
New York University, New York City

The committee supports and supervises the Summer School, proposes the choice of visiting professors and courses to the faculty and is responsible for the strategic development of the program. It consists of the following members:



Prof. Rolf Weder
Professor of International Trade and European Integration, University of Basel, Chairman of the Summer School Executive Committee
Peter Merian Weg 6, Office 4.50
4002 Basel

Tel: +41 61 207 33 55

Sandeep Dahyia

Prof. Sandeep Dahiya
Professor of Entrepreneurship
McDonough School of Business,
Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

Prof. Macher

Prof. Jeffrey Macher
Professor of Strategy, Economics and Public Policy
McDonough School of Business,
Georgetown University,Washington D.C.


Prof. Georg Noeldeke
Professor of Microeconomic Theory, University of Basel
Peter Merian Weg 6, Office 4.55
4002 Basel

Tel: +41 61 207 33 20


Prof. Alois Stutzer
Professor of Political Economics, University of Basel
Peter Merian Weg 6, Office 4.44
4002 Basel

Tel: +41 61 207 33 61

Prof. Sharkey

Catherine Sharkey
Professor of Law
School of Law, New York University

The Advisory Board acts as consultants and supervisors to the Executive Committee. It consists of the following members:


Prof. Rolf Weder
Professor of International Trade and European Integration, University of Basel, Chairman of the Summer School Executive Committee
Peter Merian Weg 6, Office 4.50
4002 Basel

Tel: +41 61 207 33 55

 John Mayo

Prof. John Mayo
Professor of Economics, Business and Public Policy
McDonough School of Business,
Georgetown University, Washington D.C.


Prof. David Yermack
Professor of Finance and Business Transformation
Stern School of Business,
New York University, New York City

The Summer School Program is possible thanks to the generous donation of two sponsors. We would like to express our gratitude to the Claudine und Hans-Heiner Zaeslin-Bustany-Foundation as well as Dr. Rudolf Maag for their generous and constant financial support without which the Summer School would not exist.

Der ZAESLIN ALUMNI CLUB (ZAC) ist der Alumni Club des Zaeslin Programms der Universität Basel. Die Mitgliedschaft wird denjenigen Teilnehmenden des Zaeslin Programms gewährt, welche sich für ein Zaeslin Scholarship qualifiziert und einen Aufenthalt an der Georgetown University oder der New York University (NYU) absolviert haben. Zudem steht der Alumni Club auch erfolgreichen Absolventen der Zaeslin+Maag Summer School offen.



University of Basel, Faculty of Business and Economics
Summer School Office

Peter Merian-Weg 6
4002 Basel, Switzerland
Phone: +41 61 207 33 42