This seminar is considered to be a highlight of the Summer School in Law, Business & Economic Policy, in particular, and of the MSc in Business and Economics, in general.

The target is to give master students an opportunity to write an own paper in English (that may be considered to be a first step towards the master’s thesis), to present the conclusions to an international audience of researchers at Georgetown University or New York University and discuss the results. It also offers PhD students and Postdocs the chance to present their research in front of students and faculties at either Georgetown University or New York University. In addition, it allows you to get in touch with well-established faculty members from our partner universities and develop a personal network.

Traditionally, students travel in spring semester for 10 days to Washington D.C. and New York City. They present their seminar papers in front of an international audience and visit international institutions.

Fall Semester 2025

4 July 2025First individual meetings with Prof. Weder (via Zoom, approx. 15 minutes)
Students discuss proposal with Prof. Weder
7 October 2025,
14:15 - 18:00

First meeting of the seminar group.
Part I: Students will present their current work (5 minutes each, including feedback).
Part II: Current plan for the U.S. Seminar | Organizational Matters

24 November 2025, 13:00

The complete seminar paper has to be submitted.
Prof. Weder and Prof. Macher will go through your seminar papers. In case, of a clearly insufficient paper, students will be informed in the beginning of December that they are not admitted to the second half of the seminar (i.e., excursion to the U.S.).


Spring Semester 2026

25 January -
4 February 2026
U.S. Excursion

Traditionally, the excursion starts with a one-week-long stay in Washington D.C. - the capital of the United States, followed by a four-day stay in New York City.

In this seminar, you can choose your own topic. Business as well as economic topics are most welcome. In case you have a hard time in finding your "own" topic or question that serves as a basis to hand in a research proposal Prof. Weder is happy to assist you on this.

A clear and logical structure is essential for a scientific paper. Depending on the research topic, a different structure might seem more appropriate. Please see the "Formal Requirements" for more details.

The regular application period runs from 12 May to 10 June 2025.

In addition to the online application for the master's seminar, please submit a research proposal (3-4 pages) in which you explain your idea, the main research question and how you intend to answer the question. You should mention a possible theory that may help to find an answer and describe the empirical analysis (do you intend to do a case study or do you want to analyze data you have identified?). Name three to four important pieces of the literature that is relevant to your research.
Attractive topics, for example, include a comparison of regulations, policies or institutions (in the USA, Europe, Switzerland). They may integrate business and economic aspects or be based in the area of law and economics. We are very open regarding the topics, but reward quality and originality.

A maximum of 20 students will be admitted to the seminar. You will be informed by early July 2025 (for late applications afterwards), whether you have been admitted to the master seminar. On 4 July 2025, you will have an individuel meeting (Zoom, approx. 15 minutes) with Prof. Weder. and discuss the feedback to your proposal.

The seminar is jointly offered by Prof. Rolf Weder (University of Basel) and Prof. Jeffrey Macher (Georgetown University). During the presentations of the seminar papers, other faculty members join the seminar and act as discussant.

2025 US Seminar Award

The best performance in the U.S. Seminar "Business, Law and Economic Policy" is rewarded with CHF 1'000.

In 2025 the award was given to three master's students:

  • Mr. Barbu Dragomir for his research paper on "Is There an Optimal Level of Market Concentration in the Airline Industry? - EU and U.S. Compared"
  • Mr. Rui Gao for his research paper on "Are Workers with Qualification Mismatches More Likely to Switch Jobs? Evidence From Switzerland"
  • Mr. Fabian Rasonyi for his reasearch paper on "Dynamic Pricing in the Restaurant Industry: An Economic Analysis of the Wendy’s Case"


From left to right: Prof. Jeffrey Macher (Georgetown University). Rui Gao, Barbu Dragomir, Fabian Rasonyi, and Prof. Rolf Weder (University of Basel).

You will be provided free lodging and some of the meals during the seminar. Additionally, you will receive an allowance of a maximum of CHF 700 to cover part of your expenses for the flight.

You are responsible for your travel arrangements (i.e. flight etc.), visa, etc. and have to be present from the first day of the seminar to the final day. You can, of course, arrive ahead of time or prolong your stay if you like (at own expenses).

Moreover, the best overall performance in the seminar is rewarded with CHF 1'000.

Master's Studies: Business and Economics (Studium Generalis)
Module: Research Design in Business and Economics

Master's Studies: Business and Economics (Specialization: Data Science and Compuational Economics)
Module: General Electives in Data Science and Computational Economics

Master's Studies: Business and Economics (Specialization: Economics)
Module: Research Design in Economics

Master's Studies: Business and Economics (Specialization: Finance, Controlling and Banking)
Module: Research Design in Finance, Controlling, Banking

Master's Studies: Business and Economics (Specialization: International Business, Trade, and the Environment)
Module: Research Design in International Business, Trade and the Environment

Master's Studies: Business and Economics (Specialization: Labor Economics, Human Resources and Organization)
Module: Research Design in Labor Economics, Human Resources and Organization

Master's Studies: Business and Economics (Specialization: Marketing and Strategic Management)
Module: Research Design in Marketing and Strategic Management

Master's Studies: Business and Economics (Specialization: Monetary Economics and Financial Markets)
Module: Research Design in Monetary Economics and Financial Markets

Master's Studies: Business and Technology
Module: Preparation Master's Thesis in Business and Technology

Master's Studies: Economics and Public Policy
Module: Preparation Master's Thesis in Economics and Public Policy

Master's Studies: European Global Studies
Vertiefungsmodul Global Europe: Handel und Unternehmen in der Globalisierung
Vertiefungsmodul Global Europe: Regional Integration and Global Flows

Master's Studies: Finance and Money
Module: Preparation Master's Thesis in Finance and Money



University of Basel, Faculty of Business and Economics
Summer School Office

Peter Merian-Weg 6
4002 Basel, Switzerland
Phone: +41 61 207 33 42