News des MBA Finance | Executive Master in Finance (MiF)

Should financial reporting be tailored to single or double materiality? And what about financial reporting for cryptocurrencies 💵?
In this first episode of «Accounting Stories», Bart Dierynck and Philip Joos 👉 both lecturers in our 𝗠𝗕𝗔 𝗶𝗻 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗲 👈 talk with Mary Barth, Professor of Accounting at Stanford University.
«Private Debt Fund Returns, Persistence, and Market Conditions»
The currently most read article in the Financial Analysts Journal is by our academic director and lecturer Prof. Dr. Pascal Böni with Sophie Manigart.
Delegated risk-taking: an empirical investigation of the asset allocation of Swiss pension funds.
A publication by Tim A. Kroencke (lecturer in the MBA in Finance with the module Capital Markets and Asset Valuation) and Carolina Salva.
ESG Transparency of Private Equity and Debt Firms
Little is known about ESG in Private Markets. Learn more.
Decentralised Finance – Hype oder next Big Thing?
Prof. Dr. Fabian Schär ist Dozent im MBA in Finance | Executive Master in Finance (MiF) der Universität Basel / TIAS School for Business and Society und leitet das Modul Financial Innovation. Er gilt als Brückenbauer in der Finanzbranche…
Why do markets move as strongly as they do?
We warmly welcome Prof. Tim A. Kroencke as a lecturer in the MBA in Finance with his module Capital Markets and Asset Valuation. Thank you for being on board and enriching our team of lecturers!
«Wir wollen in der Schweiz ein Spitzenprogramm anbieten».
Heinz Zimmermann im Magazin «Fokus - Meine Zukunft». Eine Sonderbeilage des Tagesanzeigers vom 14.10.22
Private Debt Fund Returns, Persistence, and Market Conditions
Prof. Dr. Pascal Böni, academic director and lecturer in our MBA program, has been researching a timely issue in finance. His research is now published in Financial Analysts Journal.
TIAS School for Business and Society: AACSB verlängert Akkreditierung um weitere 5 Jahre!
Wir gratulieren unserem Kooperationspartner TIAS School for Business and Society für seine Akkreditierung der AACSB International - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business