Important dates and deadlines in the study

This page lists important dates for your studies at the Faculty of Business and Economics. The list does not claim to be complete.

Please also consult the corresponding websites of the university, the other faculties and institutions as well as the respective lecturers.

Exam dates are published in the course directory. Please search only directly in the course directory  for the respective course and its examination date. Do not use any search engine. There is a risk that you may accidentally land on the entry for the course from a previous year - without realizing it.

*provisional date

Spring semester 2024

01.02.24Start of the spring semester 24 (FS 24)
01.02. to 09.02.24Repeat exams for courses with exams from fall semester 23 (HS 23).
12.02. to 16.02.24Preliminary course in mathematics (for students in the bachelor basic studies)
19.02. to 23.02.24Basler Fasnacht | No lectures | The Dean of Studies' office remains closed.
The faculty building (Peter Merian-Weg 6) remains closed as well.
22.02.24Closing date to submit expert opion for master's theses completed in fall semester 2023

Regular start of lectures for spring semester 2024
Introductory events for all first-year students

Closing date to register for graduation by the end of fall semester 23 (bachelor and master programs)

26.02. to 01.03.24

Publication of exam dates for spring semester 24 (see electronic course directory)
Pre-course. Working with scientific software

25.03.24Course registration deadline via online services
29.03. to 01.04.24Easter break | No lectures | The Dean of Studies' office remains closed.
05.04.24End of deregistration of examinations for courses of the Faculty of Business and Economic
19.04.24Graduation ceremony for all graduates as of end of fall semester 23
29.04.24Informationsveranstaltung zu den angebotenen Bachelorseminaren im Herbstsemester 24 (HS 24)
01.05.24Labor Day | No lectures | The Dean of Studies' office remains closed.
9. and 10.05.24Ascension Day and Bridge Day | No lectures | The Dean of Studies' office remains closed.
13.05. to 10.06.24Registration for bachelor and master seminars in fall semester 24
20.05.24Whit Monday | Public Holiday | The Dean of Studies' office remains closed.
31.05.24End of lectures in spring semester 24
03.06. to 28.06.24Regular examination period for spring semester 24
09.07. to 16.07.24

Repeat exams for courses with "exams" in spring semester 24

22.07. to 02.08.24Summer break
The Dean of Studies' office remains closed..
31.07.24Registration deadline for 6 KP repeat exams (Master's program only)
15.08.24Letzter Termin zur Anmeldung eines Bachelor-Studienabschlusses per Ende FS 24
09.09.24Closing date to submit expert opinion for master's theses completed in spring semester 24
11.09.24Closing date to register for  a Master's degree per end of spring semester 24
16.09. to 27.09.24Period for re-examinations and 6-KP re-examinations from spring semester 24
25.10.24Graduation ceremony for all graduate as of end of spring semester 24

Fall semester 2024

01.08.24Start of the fall semester 24 (HS 24)
22.07. to 02.08.2024Summer Break
The Dean of Studies' office remains closed.

Regular start of lectures for fall semester 24
Introductory events for all first-year students

16.09. to 20.09.24

Publication of exam dates for fall semester 24 (in the electronic course catalog)

16.09. to 27.09.24Period for re-examinations and 6-KP repeat examinations for spring semester 2023
14.10.24Course registration deadline via online services
25.10.24Graduation ceremony for all graduates as of end of spring semester 23
25.10.24End of deregistration of examinations for courses offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics
29.11.24Dies Academics | No lectures | The Office of the Dean of Studies remains closed.
xx.11.24Informationsveranstaltung zu den angebotenen  Bachelorseminaren im Frühjahrsemester 25 (FS 25)
xx.xx.xxRegistration for bachelor and master seminars in spring semester 25
13.12.24End of lectures at the Faculty of Business and Economics in fall semester 24
16.12. to 20.12.24Regular examination period for fall semester 24 - Part 1 Attention: the examinations in January will start already on January 2, 2025!
23.12.24 to 01.01.25Christmas/New Year | The Office of the Dean of Studies remains closed.
02.01. to 29.01.25Regular examination period for HS 24 - part 2
31.01.25Registration deadline for 6 KP repeat examinations (Master's program only)
31. until 07.02.25Repeat examinations for courses with exams
10.02.25Closing date to submit expert opion for master's theses completed in fall semester 2024
12.02.25Closing date to register for graduation by the end of fall semester 24 (Bachelor's and Master's programs)
17.02. until 28.02.25Period for re-examinations and 6-KP re-examinations from fall semester 24
xx.04.25Graduation ceremony for all graduates as of end of fall semester 24