Prof. Dr. Beat Hintermann
Professor (Öffentliche Finanzen)
WWZ / Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Professur Öffentliche Finanzen
Peter Merian-Weg 6
Büro 4.42
I am an applied micro-economist in the area of public and environmental economics. The main focus of my work lies on identifying the causal effects of public policy on people, firms and the environment. I am also interested in questions related to fiscal federalism, behavioral public economics and health economics.
I am a member of the environmental and resource economics chapter of the German Economics Association (AURÖ), the CESifo Research Network and the Research Network Sustainable Future.
Selected publications
All Publications and Projects

Public Economics
Selected Master's Theses
Severin Gerfin: The less the better? An empirical analysis of vehicle density and accident relationships
Noémie Kipfer: Substituting the traditional? Examining usage patterns of E-bikers through discrete choice modeling
Linda Meister: The rebound effect of carbon offsets on air travel
Julia Wellauer: Drivers' response to fuel price variation
Ciriaco De Minico: To what extent have the determinants of the CO2 price changed over the last two years?
Laura Schwab:Using a Nudge to Reduce Mobility Externalities: Evidence from a RCT with GPS Tracking in Switzerland
Jakob Roth: Taxing Externalities of Individuals' Mobility: Income-related Differences in Response
Benedikt Klotz: Carbon price formation in Phase III of the EU ETS
Leonard Seiler: Preference revelation and choice modelling of transportation modes: Evidence from a stated preference experiment
Sugerthan Naswulegaran: Learning spillovers and treatment success in Swiss hospitals
Roman Stutzer: Predicting energy use of individual mobility on survey and tracking data
Björn Fosse: Auf dem Weg zu einer emissionsfreien Mobilität: Effekt von Anreizsystemen in Norwegen