The program combines the latest academic research with comprehensive practical expertise and offers students a part-time course for professionals with a globally recognized academic degree and major practical relevance.
- The program lasts 15 months.
- The master’s degree consists of 11 study modules, each consisting of three to four days of in-person teaching, supplemented by intensive preparation and revision and an examination.
- On successful completion of the 11 modules, you will go on to write and defend a master’s thesis.
- Most of the modules are taught in person in Basel and enhanced by interactive digital learning methods.
- One to three study modules involve a study visit to Tilburg or Utrecht.
- One study module usually comprises a teaching time of three days. The course workload is expressed using ECTS (European credit transfer system) points.
- One ECTS point is the equivalent of 30 hours’ study. The course consists of a minimum of 60 ECTS points.
- This amounts to a workload of around 1,700 hours spread over a period of 15 months.
We recommend our students adapt their workload accordingly.
Course structure

Finance is a highly dynamic subject area which is crucial to the management of successful businesses. The field is shaped by a close and fertile relationship between theory and practice. With its analytic and empirical perspective, finance has an extremely broad scope of application covering a wide range of financial issues that are a crucial part of modern education in the area of financial management.
As an integral aspect of the study of business and economics, finance spans corporate issues such as company financing, business evaluation, corporate risk management and corporate governance) and issues affecting the wider economy (such as pricing financial investments, risk allocation and information processing on financial markets). The core elements of the curriculum of the Basel MBA Finance are corporate finance, business and project evaluation, pricing financial assets, risk management and asset management.
The Basel program also focuses specifically on financial innovations and financing innovations (venture capital, private markets); institutional asset management; share valuation; corporate governance’ risk management and computational finance and areas in the space where macro-economics and finance collide; financial stability and financial markets regulation.
Teaching staff
The MBA’s teaching staff are first-class academics from two outstanding universities and remarkable practical experts with extensive experience and expertise in managing international companies.
- They share sound and practical relevant knowledge of their subject area, using in-depth examples and case studies to share carefully considered approaches.
- They love working with people in the midst of their career who get actively involved and contribute their experience.
- Their teaching style encourages active thinking and knowledge exchange.
Course content
Quantitative Tools
Prof. Herbert Hamers
Tilburg University, Tilburg School of Economics and Management
and TIAS School for Business and Society
Principles of Business Valuation
Prof. Pascal Gantenbein
University of Basel, Faculty of Business and Economics (WWZ)
Financial Reporting & Analysis
Prof. Philip Joos
Tilburg University, Tilburg School of Economics and Management and
TIAS School for Business and Society
Management Accounting
Prof. Bart Dierynck
Tilburg University, Tilburg School of Economics and Management and
TIAS School for Business and Society
Corporate Finance
Prof. Pascal Böni
Tilburg University, Tilburg School of Economics and Management and
TIAS School for Business and Society
Mergers & Acquisitions
Prof. Pascal Böni
Tilburg University, Tilburg School of Economics and Management and
TIAS School for Business and Society
Equity Capital Markets
Prof. Reto Francioni
University of Basel, Faculty of Business and Economics (WWZ)
Capital markets and asset valuation
Prof. Tim Kroencke
University of Neuchâtel and University of Basel (WWZ)
Risk Management
Prof. Lieven Baele
Tilburg University, Tilburg School of Economics and Management and
TIAS School for Business and Society
Institutional Asset Management
Prof. Heinz Zimmermann
University of Basel, Faculty of Business and Economics (WWZ)
Financial Innovation
Prof. Fabian Schär
University of Basel, Faculty of Business and Economics (WWZ)
Leadership skills
Dr. Thomas Sieber
Executive Director & Leadership Coach,
MBA Finance | Executive Master in Finance
Master’s thesis
Supervised by a member of teaching staff. The master’s thesis may cover a current issue affecting an employer, allowing them to benefit directly from their employee’s participation in the course.
Once they have successfully passed all examinations and assessments, graduates will obtain the academic degree:
«Master of Business Administration (MBA) Finance» from the
University of Basel and
«Executive Master in Finance (MiF)» from
TIAS School for Business and Society, Tilburg University.
Links & Downloads (only available in German language)

Bettina Greiner
MBA Finance | Executive Master in Finance (MiF)
📞 Tel: +41 61 207 66 77