Political Economics

Büro / Office 4.45

Dr. Kerstin Frederike Hansen
Associate & Visiting (Researcher)
Kerstin Frederike Hansen
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät / WWZ
Politische Ökonomie

Associate & Visiting (Researcher)


Current position
I am a Postdoc with Professor Alois Stutzer at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Basel, Switzerland.

Fields of interest
Behavioral Economics, Economics of Well-Being, Cultural Economics

Hansen, Kerstin F. (2017). Home Office – Salutary Action on Combining Work and Family? Die Unternehmung. Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice 71(4): 390-413. 

Work in Progress
Parental Unemployment, Social Insurance and Child Well-Being Across Countries (joint with Alois Stutzer) [Working Paper]
Experiencing Booms and Busts in the Welfare State and Preferences for Redistribution (joint with Alois Stutzer)

Teaching Assistance:
HS 2016/17: Kolloquium "Ökonomie und menschliches Wohlbefinden" (MA-Level)
FS 2017: Vorlesung: "Das ökonomische Verhaltensmodell & psychologische Erweiterungen" (MA-Level)
HS 2017/18: Kolloquium "Ökonomie und menschliches Wohlbefinden" (MA-Level)
FS 2018: Seminar "Markets and Public Policy: Economic and Fiscal Policy" (MA-Level)
HS 2018/19: Kolloquium "Ökonomie und menschliches Wohlbefinden" (MA-Level)
                    Seminar: "Public Choice and Public Economics" (BA-Level)
FS 2019: Seminar "Markets and Public Policy: Economic and Fiscal Policy" (MA-Level)
HS 2019/20: Seminar: "Public Choice and Public Economics" (BA-Level)
FS 2020: Vorlesung "Einführung in die politische Ökonomie" (BA-Level)