Examinations at the Faculty of Business and Economic usually take place at the end of the semester and are organized by the Dean of Studies' Office. The examination dates are published in the electronic course directory at the beginning of the semester. Students register for examinations by enrolling in the course. With a few exceptions, no repeat examinations are offered.

For block courses, colloquia and seminars, there are sometimes special regulations regarding registration and deregistration as well as examination dates. If you are enrolled as an EUCOR student or a student at another Swiss university, you can also take examinations. Please note the special registration procedure.

The so-called "Examinette" will help you to prepare for the examinations in the best possible way. Shortly before the end of the semester, the examination rooms are published in the electronic course directory.

If you do not take part in the examination, it will be marked with a "Not appeared". As a rule, you will not be able to attend the lecture and take the examination again until the following year.

In the case of illness on the day of the examination, you can be excused for the absence with a doctor's certificate. If you meet the relevant requirements, it will then be possible to take a make-up examination at the beginning of the new semester.

You will be notified of the examination results by e-mail. In the case of written examinations, you have a right to inspect the examination within the announced deadlines.



Dean of Studies' Office
University of Basel
Faculty of Business and Economics
Peter Merian-Weg 6, Office 38-40 (Gr. Floor)
CH-4002 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 33 01

Website Dean of Studies' Office