
Michael Beckmann
Michael Beckmann

Professor of Human Resources and Organization
Research Group
Personal website

Aleksander Berentsen
Aleksander Berentsen

Professor of Economic Theory
Research Group
Personal Website

Sabine Böckem
Sabine Böckem

Professor of Management Accounting
Research Group
Personal Website

Miguel C. Brendl
Miguel C. Brendl

Professor of Marketing
Research Group
Personal website

Stefan Felder
Stefan Felder

Professor of Health Economics
Research Group
Personal website

Günther Fink
Günther Fink

Professor of Epidemiology and Household Economics
Research Group
Personal website

Pascal Gantenbein
Pascal Gantenbein

Professor of Financial Management
Research Group
Personal website

Yuna Heo
Yuna Heo

Professor of Corporate Finance / Sustainable Finance
Personal Website

Beat Hintermann
Beat Hintermann

Professor of Public Economics
Research Group
Personal website

Aya Kachi
Aya Kachi

Professor of International Political Economy and Energy Policy
Research Group
Personal Website

Christian Kleiber
Christian Kleiber

Professor of Econometrics and Statistics
Research Group
Personal Website

Frank C. Krysiak
Frank C. Krysiak

Professor of Environmental Economics
Research Group
Personal website

Andreas Lanz
Andreas Lanz

Professor of Digital Marketing Analytics
Research group (in progress)
Personal website

Sarah Lein
Sarah M. Lein

Professor of Macroeconomics
Research Group
Personal website

Yvan Lengwiler

Professor of Financial Markets
Research Group
Personal Website

Dietmar Maringer
Dietmar Maringer

Professor of Computational Economics and Finance
Research Group
Personal Website

Armando Meier
Armando N. Meier

Professor of Health Economics
Research Group
Personal website

Dominik Meier
Dominik Meier

Professor of Global Philanthropy
Personal Website

Andreas Müller
Andreas Müller

Professor of International Economics
Research Group
Personal Website

Georg Nöldeke
Georg Nöldeke

Professor of Microeconomic Theory
Research Group
Personal Website

Angelo Ranaldo
Angelo Ranaldo

Professor of Finance and Financial Economics
Research Group
Personal website

Catherine Roux
Catherine Roux

Professor of Industrial Organization
Research Group
Personal website

Fabian Schaer
Fabian Schär

Professor of Distributed Ledger Technology and Fintech
Research Group
Personal website

Andrea Schenker-Wicki
Andrea Schenker-Wicki

Professor of Performance Management
Website President's Board
Personal Website

Ulf Schiller
Ulf Schiller

Professor of Financial Accounting
Research Group
Personal Website

Kurt Schmidheiny | Economics and Applied Econometrics
Kurt Schmidheiny

Professor of Economics and Applied Econometrics
Research Group
Personal website

Robert Stelter
Robert Stelter

Professor of Quantitative Economic History / Cliometrics
Personal Website

Alois Stutzer
Alois Stutzer

Professor of Political Economy
Research Group
Personal Website

Georg von Schnurbein
Georg von Schnurbein

Professor of Philantropy Studies
Research Group (CEPS)
Personal website

Rolf Weder

Professor of International Trade and European Integration
Research Group
Personal website

Hannes Weigt
Hannes Weigt

Professor of Energy Economics
Research Group
Personal Website

Conny Wunsch
Conny Wunsch

Professor of Labor Economics
Research Group
Personal Website

University Lecturer

Thomas Zehrt
Thomas Zehrt

Lecturer for Mathematics
Personal website

Ambizione Fellows

Lorenz Hartmann
Lorenz Hartmann

Ambizione Fellow
Personal website

Benjamin Krebs
Benjamin Krebs

Ambizione Fellow
Personal website

Active Professors Emeriti

Manfred Bruhn
Manfred Bruhn

Professor Emeritus for Corporate Management and Marketing
Personal website

Peter Kugler
Peter Kugler

Professor Emeritus of Monetary Economics and Economic History
Personal website

Antonio Loprieno
Antonio Loprieno

Professor Emeritus of the History of Institutions
Personal website

George Sheldon
George Sheldon

Professor Emeritus of Labor and Industrial Economics
Personal website

Heinz Zimmermann
Heinz Zimmermann

Professor Emeritus of Finance
Personal Website