Dieser Major thematisiert die Interaktion zwischen der Preisbildung auf Finanzmärkten und zentralen makroökonomischen Grössen. Sie werden auf eine Tätigkeit im Finanzsektor (Zentralbanken, Banken, Asset Management, Versicherungen, Aufsicht und Beratung) vorbereitet. Im Vordergrund steht Ihre Ausbildung für Tätigkeiten in den Bereichen Research, Risikomanagement, Finanzanalyse, monetäre und ökonometrische Analysen und Portfoliomanagement.

Der Major wird per HS 2022 mit der Einführung des spezialisierten Masterstudiums in Finance & Money aufgehoben.
Eine Neueinschreibung ist nicht mehr möglilch. Studierende, die bereits in dieser Vertiefungsrichtung eingeschrieben sind, können das Studium bis 31. Juli 2024 beenden.

Fundamentals in Business and Economics12
Core Courses in Monetary Economics and Financial Markets18

Research Design in Monetary Economics and Financial Markets

Specific Electives in Monetary Economics and Financial Markets12
General Electives12 oder 24
Masterarbeit in Monetary Economics and Financial Markets18 or 30


Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann


Since 2001 Professor of Finance at Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Basel, from 1990 to 2001 at the University of St. Gallen (HSG). Author of numerous papers in the field of empirical capital market research, namely asset pricing and corporate finance, as well as on current financial market topics in the field of pensions and regulation. Current research: pensions, short- and long-term valuation factors in equity markets, option contracts and macroeconomic risks.  Co-founder of various companies in the financial services sector (almafinjaeger, ppcmetrics, vescore, LPX) and holder of various mandates in the financial services sector.

Weitere Dozierende

Prof. Dr. Christian Kleiber

Econometrics and Statistics

Christian Kleiber is Professor of Econometrics and Statistics at the University of Basel. Trained in statistics, he obtained his Ph.D. from the Technical University of Dortmund. His research interests include microeconometrics, applied probability in business and economics, statistical distributions, income distribution, and inequality measurement, and the probabilistic and statistical foundations of econometrics and data science. The co-author of two books, on economic size distributions and econometric computing, he has published in journals such as the Journal of Applied Econometrics, the Journal of Multivariate Analysis, the Journal of Public Economics, the Journal of Theoretical Probability, and The American Statistician. He has also co-authored several R packages.


Prof. Dr. Sarah M. Lein


Sarah M. Lein is associate professor of macroeconomics. Before joining the University of Basel in November 2014, she worked as a Senior Economist in the Economic Analysis Unit at the Swiss National Bank. She received her doctoral degree from the University of Zurich in 2009. She is a co-editor of the Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, a research fellow at the CEPR, a research fellow at the KOF ETH Zurich, and executive officer of the Central Bank Research Association (CEBRA). Her research focusses on monetary economics, international macroeconomics and finance, and business cycles.



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CH-4002 Basel
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