The Political Economy of Coal Policy: Comparative Analyses of Stakeholder Strategies and Resource Industries' Embeddedness in the International Economy [Project COALSTAKE]

About the Project COALSTAKE

The team consisting of the University of Basel, the University of St.Gallen, and the University of Toronto is running a research program that investigates sources of cross-national differences in coal policy-making.

Our focus is on the links among energy stakeholders' resource endowments, practices, and the evolution of discourses around coal energy. The project also addresses issues around local resource-production industries, their positioning in global resource trade, and their employees,  because sustainable fossil fuel policies are not possible without addressing these issues.

The project is funded by SNIS (Swiss Network for International Studies) for  2 years (Oct 2019 - Sept 2021).

The project overview is available here on the right. >>

research activities

Research Activities